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BEEER PARK惠城店 以烟火人文与品牌调性焕活老建筑

11744 2022-07-19T16:55:37 35 [精品]
设计师: 朱海博
BEEER PARK惠城店 以烟火人文与品牌调性焕活老建筑说明:

时代更迭下新型商业区层出不穷,而淹没在发展洪流之下老街区与旧建筑则渐渐被人遗忘,那些曾布满生活印迹的城市角落也在逐渐褪去生命力。如何再度唤醒老街区的活力,让其成为城市一大焦点,朱海博建筑设计事务所以BEEER PARK破开僵局,在延续品牌基因的同时,融合当地街区人文气息,让老建筑在与品牌的共生之下获得新生。

With the change of times, new commercial districts are springing up, while the old neighborhoods and buildings submerged under the torrent of development are gradually forgotten, and those urban corners that were once full of life traces are also gradually fading their vitality. To revive the old neighborhood again and make it a focal point in the city, ARCHIHOPE Ltd. broke the deadlock with BEEER PARK, and integrated the culture atmosphere of local neighborhoods while continuing the brand gene, so that the old building can get a new life in a symbiosis with the brand.



1 人文的构建与契合

1 The Construction and Fit of Culture

项目位于惠州市惠城区麦地,是烟火味儿十足的老街区,也是当地人青睐的“老去处”。无论是在烧烤摊畅聊一夜至天明的三几好友,还是路过的各色人群与大大小小的车辆,这些市井生活的真实痕迹皆是BEEER PARK构建而起的一部分。

The project is located in Maidi community, Huicheng District, an old neighborhood with a strong flavor of life and a popular “old hangout” for locals. Whether a few friends chatting all night until dawn at the barbecue stall or all kinds of people and vehicles passing by, these real t races of urban street life are all parts of where BEEER PARK is located.


As an old commercial building with a history of more than 20 years, it is gradually declining under the impact of the development of the new commercial district. It is necessary to carry out a large-scale transformation to bring it back to life, but the process is not that smooth. The design team should not only communicate with the property management company and negotiate with the government, but also consider the building with long age itself and the fixation design for the new parts.


In addition, the design team also retained the life symbol of the local citizens. —— The black Gothic triangular spire outlined on the facade is the entrance to Christian Church, which makes the new commercial space connect and integrate with the daily life of the public in the practical dimension. The culture of each city has its own unique style, and the building is a major carrier. Therefore, as a brand space, it is particularly important to approach local culture.


Surrounded by the vibrant hustle and bustle of the city life, the commercial building is naturally integrated into the urban texture and residents' daily life, which is a interpretation about space to integrate with the urban culture and a emotional declaration of the brand spirit.


On the other hand, the refreshing commercial space becomes a dramatic existence among buildings in the old neighborhood because of its novel appearance and unique structure. And distinct differences between local environment and brand tone collide with and merge into each other, creating a sense of inversion with harmony but clash.


2 新品牌与旧建筑的共生效应

2 The Symbiotic Effect Between New Brand and Old Building

BEEER PARK中多的一个“E”是ENERGY、ECSTASY、ENJOY等多层意义的延伸,也是品牌理念外化的标识。

An extra "E" in BEEER PARK is an extension of the multi-layered meanings of ENERGY, ECSTASY, ENJOY, etc, as well as an externalized sign of brand concept.


The design of the facade is the most difficult part in the design process. In order not to affect the lighting and ventilation, the design team covered the decorative marks and outdoor units of air-conditioners left over from the original building with shutters that are lightweight and have a strong sense of modeling and three-dimensional effect, so as to form an occlusion effect and visual contrast. This is not only the manifestation of aesthetics, but also the embodiment of taking into account geographical features that the bearing and wind capability of the facade are enhanced according to the climate condition with a high frequency of typhoons in the region.


The simple combination of warm colored beams and columns at the entrance and silver suspended ceiling presents an open and bright atmosphere. The tile design of gray bricks with popular geometric details keeps in contact with the characteristics of the neighborhood, which is like the mottled trace of the frozen flow of time, witnessing the cycle of the local seasons and the dribs and drabs of people’s life and creates a more attractive agreeableness.

BEEER PARK白天是温馨且精致的餐吧,晚上则是富有情调的酒吧。外立面的射灯透过百叶打造出渐变晕染的灯光效果,仿佛是微醺夜晚将至的预告。室内空间采用绿色环保材料欧松板,其良好的环保性能与物理特性,不仅满足了人们健康生活的要求,也是可持续性发展理念的实践。全息投影则为沉浸式场域加持,顾客在其间能够尽情舒展身心,觅见欢愉的片刻小憩。

BEEER PARK is a warm and exquisite dining bar during the day and a romantic bar at night. The spotlights on the facade through the shutters create a halo with the gradual change, as if it is a herald of the approaching of a slightly drunk night. An environmentally friendly material oriented strand board is adopted in the interior space, because it’s environmentally friendly with a good physical character, which not only meets the requirements for a healthy lifestyle, but also achieves the concept of sustainable development. The holographic projection is excellent to create an immersive atmosphere in the space, where customers can fully relax their bodies and minds for a delightful short break.

延续品牌的统一调性,深化大众视野中的品牌印象,以品牌效应吸引人流,所以BEEER PARK承载的意义并非只是建筑空间的重生,也是再度激发商业性、带动街区经济并促进年轻化的一大举措。

To continue the unified brand tone, deepen the impression of the brand on public and attract people with the brand effect, the significance carried by BEEER PARK is not only the rebirth of the building space, but also a major measure to stimulate the commercial development again, promote economic growth and rejuvenation of the neighborhood.


It will be eliminated by the era of rapid development to preserve it blindly, so how to achieve a balance between retaining the original implication and introducing new texture is a big challenge for both the concept and practice of design. In addition, the extended significance of transformation of an old building is far more than what it presents visually. When a new brand is brought into a neighborhood, it is not only a promotion in material aspect but also an integration and sublimation in cultural field. Only when the brand becomes compatible with the urban culture can they complement each other, and bring benefits to the brand while innovating the urban texture and enrich the local culture.



Project Information:



Project Name: BEEERPARK (in Huicheng)



Project Location: Huizhou, Guangdong Province



Total floor space: 880 square meters


设计事务所:ARCHIHOPE朱海博建筑设计事务所(UK & SZ)

Designer: ARCHIHOPE Ltd.



Firm website:



Chief Designer: Hihope Zhu



Deepening Design Team: Jane Fang, Chang Xu



Main materials: perforated aluminum plate, terrazzo, oriented strand board, stainless steel, etc



Photographer: Vincent Wu



ARCHIHOPE (UK) Ltd. 朱海博建筑设计研究所



“Undefined” is the self-definition of ARCHIHOPE LTD.



With the vision of "Building a Common Hope" as its development vision, it adhere to pursue multi-dimensional design solutions which will be constantly redefined with new experience. At the same time, it advocates the design idea of making full use of space, creating visual innovation and new user experience. The business scope is not limited to the domestic, nor to the architectural design, interior space and landscape design of commerce, office and hotel. It is thought highly of by customers in a number of projects, with numerous awards in the professional field at home and abroad.

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