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壹同创意| 潘多拉的盒子

31936 2019-12-24T14:38:07 25 [精品]
设计师: 朱海博
壹同创意| 潘多拉的盒子说明:


It was said by B. F. Skinner that the more something is forbidden, the more people want to do it. This is the result of curiosity.

如果没有好奇心,设计师的灵感也将荡然无存。壹同创意TO GET THE的主旨即是创意优先,创意不是色彩和装饰的堆砌,而是一种思维意识,通过挖掘和激活资源组合方式进而提升资源价值的的手段,壹同创意需要的是一个全民头脑风暴的基地,所以设计师通过内建筑的手法构筑出几个透明的盒子,就像“潘多拉的魔盒”,这是一个释放与激发设计师猎奇和冒险心理的空间。

The inspiration of designers will be all gone without curiosity. The aim of TO GET THE is creativity first. Creativity is not only piling up of colors and decorations, but also refined method of enhancing resource value by way of digging and stimulating resources. What TO GET THE need is a base for brainstorm. Designers aimed to create several transparent boxes through method of inner architecture, like Pandora’s Box. It’s expected to create a space of releasing and stimulating curiosity and risk.


Architecture is like the outer covering of the interior, with expression of entity. Interior is like content of the container, with expression of vacancy. It’s expected to create a space solving the problems of transportation system, construction system and space system by way of interior architecture.   

办公室采用无前台的运作模式,而以一面投影和咖啡吧代替。投影就仅是空间光影营造氛围,令人驻足遐想,壹同创意无需更多的Icon或标签来证明自己。Coffee is always good idea. 好的想法总是伴随着咖啡产生。一个大的金属吧台和一个咖啡机,更是一个交流想法的自由平台。

Coffee bar and a projection wall are designed instead of front desk in the office. Projection is set for space and shadow atmosphere so that people stop to reverie.Coffee is always good idea, TO GET THE need no more icon or label to prove. Creativity and concept go well with coffee. A huge metal bar counter and a coffee machine provides a platform for brainstorm and concept exchange.


A circular flow line on the ground floor, staff can take walk around office. Office environment without bondage help designers broaden mind. Pandora’s Box is in existence of brainstorm among designers. To enlarge meeting space for brain worker counts for much more, where designers join and share concepts, and communication with more superior teams. Large area of pure white, metal and transparent materials are added to create exquisite space language.     


Vertical transportation is a key communication method of overall interior space. Transparent separation construct sequenced and systematic relationship of entity and vacancy, less is more.  The design aims to create a transparent overall, unity of all corners, through the relationship between enclosure & open, tranquil and flowing, space transition, space sequence opening and closing, organization of ups and down, space privacy and broadness. Staff, space and all happenings are connected in a harmonious unity.


Glass is utilized as separation on the second floor, making a much more open spacial pattern. Every single transparent box beside the suspended, glass is also designed as separation to make a better communication between 2 floors. Skylight through glass create more transparent and vigorous spacial construction.

相对伏案工作,壹同创意TO GET THE更注重互动与交流,洗去繁复装饰的铅华,有的是干练的空间和宁静的氛围,让思绪更加专注。

Compared to desk work, TO GET THE pays particular attention to communication and interaction. The office design, removing complicated decorations leaving only active space and peaceful atmosphere, makes staff more concentrating on work.

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