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故事空间新作 | 城市狩猎者BLUE WOLF

37902 2021-01-25T18:51:30 24 [精品]
设计师: 朱海博
故事空间新作 | 城市狩猎者BLUE WOLF说明:


Shenzhen, the flourishing concrete jungle, with a seemingly special magic power , silently drives each person inside to move forward.


Shuttling through it every day , have you ever envision a scene like this ......


What would you do to fill the short leisure time before you meet with a client?



Ms C answered she would find a favourite coffee shop and take the opportunity to deal with the tasks in her computer.

咖啡的香气是最佳的引路者,它引诱着C走进了中心商务大厦楼下的林荫街道,在道路尽头转角发现了这家店——Blue wolf。

As a perfect guide, the aroma of coffee enticed Ms C to walk through a downstairs tree-lined street of the central business building, and in the corner at the end of the street is where she found a shop - named Blue wolf.



The sun in winter poured through the swaying branches and leaves on the white exterior wall. The green shadow and the golden light suited the neatness and cleanness of the shop. People sat comfortably relaxed everywhere, as comfortable as cats.



Coffee shop with little overall space and few places to obtain outdoor light sources , designers use huge push-pull windows in it so that outdoor pedestrians and warm sun can come into sight of customers. The design of mirrored ceiling is to more than double the height of the space visually, and also to increase the light and the depth of space in the room.



C ordered a latte at the reception desk, turned on the computer and skimmed through emails and started to work. A barista in pigtails pressed the freshly ground coffee beans into a coffee maker, while the waiter move between seats quietly and politely, and the gentle music seemed to blend into the coffee.


Time passes quickly like a white pony's shadow across a crevice. C looked at the time displayed on the mobile phone, leisurely drank the rest of the coffee in the cup, and carefully glossed her lips, packed things up and left.


“Blue wolf。”指尖还残留着木质桌面的温润凉意,C心里念着这个名字,决定把这里列进自己收藏的宝藏店铺。

The cool feeling of the wooden table with a warm texture remaining on her fingertips, C read the name "Blue Wolf" quietly in her heart, and decided to add it to his collection of favorite shop.



She thought that the name of the shop might imply that she was about to become a wolf, hunting satisfactory prey in her work today.



However, Life is not always a bed of roses. C met with some obstacles in the process of talking with the customer, and the other said that he/she need to think over for some time.


This discouraged C a lot, and the time which should be spent on signing the contract was saved. With the new spare time beyond her plan and no destination at that moment, she turned back aimlessly.


Blue wolf,店名上面的三道抓痕在夜色中似乎变得锐利,身体比思维更先一步回想起那杯咖啡的美妙滋味,人便不由自主地往咖啡店走去。

The three scratches on the name “Blue wolf” seemed to be sharp in the evening light. And her body recalled the wonderful taste of the cup of coffee before she realized that, then she could not help walking to the coffee shop.



"We regret coffee is temporarily unavailable at night. But what can I do for you?" The strange man said with a smile, "Wine is available at night. Would you like to try one?"


So she ordered a glass of wine called "plum girl" recommended by the bartender. C likes the name very much, also loves the taste of this glass of wine which made her experience long-lost feeling of relaxation and also made her vulnerable.



The warm light in the shop against the blue walls, appeared ambiguous and restrained, and there seemed to be another world turned upside down in the mirrored ceiling...... Even if the shop was packed with bar customes, she was sipping the glass of wine full of frustration as if she was alone in a world of her own..


"You seem to enjoy this glass of wine." A woman stood in front of C, smiling.

原来,这个女人是Blue wolf的老板娘。也许是她知性而富有魅力,言语间能让人卸下心防;又也许是酒精作祟,C在闲聊的过程中不知觉便坦露了心里的想法。

It turned out that the woman was the proprietress of Blue Wolf. Perhaps she was so charming and charismatic so that her words could get people to open up their hearts, or perhaps it was the alcohol that made C share her thoughts unconsciously during the small talk.


"Don't worry. Not all things will end with happiness just as you expect. This is not an inevitable thing ." The proprietress spoke softly but clearly ," What you need to do is to make sure you' ve done your best, and then just wait ."


"You have to be patient enough to be rewarded in every hunt."



Shenzhen is like a cage decorated with neon lights and skyscrapers, where we think we are the hunter on the prowl, but in fact we are all the prey to be lured.



And we, too, will eventually be captured by the city.







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