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昆明 · 山水云亭 云彩之南

9112 2019-01-14T11:49:11 14
设计机构: 橙果(深圳)设计顾问有限公司
昆明 · 山水云亭 云彩之南说明:


The design of this case has surpassed qualitatively in terms of conceptual expression and the creation of field emotions. Fuzzy style boundaries, the establishment, across the new landscape, so that each style in the scene there are possibilities to give the viewer experience, choice, and even comprehend the flexibility of space, and in the spirit of Contemporary Humanities and art nourished, profoundly smart, simple and meaningful.

Through the consideration of the expansion of the project itself, the unique symbolic elements of spring city Dianchi Lake water, water elves - water birds, eight famous flowers, folk customs, architecture, etc. are extracted. The spring scenery around the

通过对项目本身的拓展考量,提取得天独厚的春城滇池水、水上精灵-水鸟、八大名花,民俗、建筑等符号元素,围绕“春城无处不飞花”的春景幻化成软装设计的艺术手法,贯穿销售中心的每个空间。斜面天花的“峰峦叠嶂”,地面大理石的“山水绮丽”使空间古典与时尚的结合加以国际化的气质,让整体意境跃然纸上。 Through the consideration of the expansion of the project itself, the unique symbolic elements of spring city Dianchi Lake water, water elves - water birds, eight famous flowers, folk customs, architecture, etc. are extracted. The spring scenery around the "Spring City everywhere flying flowers" is transformed into a soft costume design art method, which runs through every space of the sales center. The sloping ceilings and the marble landscapes make the combination of classical and the fashionable of space internationalized and make the whole artistic conception on paper.

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