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昆明 · 山水云亭 云彩之南

9112 2019-01-14T11:49:11 14
设计机构: 橙果(深圳)设计顾问有限公司
昆明 · 山水云亭 云彩之南说明:


The design of this case has surpassed qualitatively in terms of conceptual expression and the creation of field emotions. Fuzzy style boundaries, the establishment, across the new landscape, so that each style in the scene there are possibilities to give the viewer experience, choice, and even comprehend the flexibility of space, and in the spirit of Contemporary Humanities and art nourished, profoundly smart, simple and meaningful.

Color in the whole picture, mutual restraint, mutual cancellation, mutual integration, so that the perfect balance of vision. The application of green trees introduces exterior scenes, blurs the boundary between indoor and outdoor, and maintains calm and graceful elegance. Different color blocks and the geometric composition on the stall, enrich the space at the same time to make the space more integrated, in the humanities to balance the international sense of the modernity, in comfort to seek temperament artistic.

色彩在整个画面中,相互制约、相互抵消,相互融入,让视觉达到完美平衡。绿树的应用,引入外景,模糊室内与室外的边界,平和自持、舒缓雅致。地毯上不同色块组织变化和几何构成,在丰富空间的同时使空间更具整体性,在人文里平衡国际现代感,在舒适里寻求气质艺术化。 Color in the whole picture, mutual restraint, mutual cancellation, mutual integration, so that the perfect balance of vision. The application of green trees introduces exterior scenes, blurs the boundary between indoor and outdoor, and maintains calm and graceful elegance. Different color blocks and the geometric composition on the stall, enrich the space at the same time to make the space more integrated, in the humanities to balance the international sense of the modernity, in comfort to seek temperament artistic.

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