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昆明 · 山水云亭 云彩之南

9112 2019-01-14T11:49:11 14
设计机构: 橙果(深圳)设计顾问有限公司
昆明 · 山水云亭 云彩之南说明:


The design of this case has surpassed qualitatively in terms of conceptual expression and the creation of field emotions. Fuzzy style boundaries, the establishment, across the new landscape, so that each style in the scene there are possibilities to give the viewer experience, choice, and even comprehend the flexibility of space, and in the spirit of Contemporary Humanities and art nourished, profoundly smart, simple and meaningful.

A cup of coffee, a book, a delicate time. This is the embodiment of the endless and comfortable way of life in this spring city. Designed here is to deliberately create nature, seek tension in nature, and ultimately return to the perception of the human mind.

一杯咖啡,一本书,一段精致的时光。便是这春城无尽舒适的生活方式的体现。设计于此,就是在刻意中制造自然,在自然中寻觅张力,最终回归于人心灵的感知。 A cup of coffee, a book, a delicate time. This is the embodiment of the endless and comfortable way of life in this spring city. Designed here is to deliberately create nature, seek tension in nature, and ultimately return to the perception of the human mind.

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