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昆明 · 山水云亭 云彩之南

9112 2019-01-14T11:49:11 14
设计机构: 橙果(深圳)设计顾问有限公司
昆明 · 山水云亭 云彩之南说明:


The design of this case has surpassed qualitatively in terms of conceptual expression and the creation of field emotions. Fuzzy style boundaries, the establishment, across the new landscape, so that each style in the scene there are possibilities to give the viewer experience, choice, and even comprehend the flexibility of space, and in the spirit of Contemporary Humanities and art nourished, profoundly smart, simple and meaningful.

The poem says,

詩中所說“給他一個合適的位置,他便神采煥發;把他換到更恰如其分處,它越顯雍雍穆穆”。在艺术品的甄选上,以打造情境为主题,在形式上,又以视觉韵律为导向。摒弃多余的陈设,丰富层次。在空间与人之间制造互动和对话,形成连接,升华空间的亲和力和视觉点。 The poem says, "Give him a proper place, and he will be radiant; change him to a more appropriate place, it is more graceful and graceful." In the selection of works of art, the theme is to create context, and in the form of visual rhythm. Discard the unnecessary furnishings and enrich the levels. Create interaction and dialogue between space and people, form connection and sublimate the affinity and visual point of space.

Everything in the scene can be feeled.

一切景語即情語。 Everything in the scene can be feeled.

Even the high taste of the standard space, in the light of all the space architecture, to estimate the space should be the scale of culture.

艺术品以至高的趣味規範空間之情味,在所有的空間建築的光芒之中,去揣度空間裡應有的文化尺度。 Even the high taste of the standard space, in the light of all the space architecture, to estimate the space should be the scale of culture.

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