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8329 2021-09-23T15:39:59 17
设计机构: 深圳尚希设计顾问有限公司

HOPE DESIGN:空中徽阁,自然生长




东榕温德姆酒店位于黟县城南,傍漳水而成,东接宏村旅游景区,南眺西递旅游景区。毋庸置疑,东榕温德姆酒店的选址为后续的经营奠定了基石。HOPE DESIGN在对酒店位置及地域文化深度剖析之后,提出在地化与体验感相融合的建筑、景观、室内一体化设计解决方案,也从酒店商业运营的角度提出:酒店不仅是旅行途中的栖居地,更可以是旅行的目的地。




“黟县青”是黟县特有的一种大理石,石质坚实细腻,明清时期西递名居建筑就大量采用了这种石料。HOPE DESIGN将这种特有材料用在酒店建筑三层以下的外墙,令建筑形成视觉上的下沉处理,更加贴合周边自然环境。自第五层起做退台,以“空中徽阁”的概念,还原徽派村落。马头墙层层错叠,形成阵列,以现代手法再现微派基调。


“白墙黛瓦马头墙,回廊挂落花格窗”,古诗句里对于明清徽派建筑的意境描述,今人仍在流传吟诵。而HOPE DESIGN创意总监韩薛在宏村西递等古村实地考察后意识到,真实的古村落经过几百年的风雨洗礼,已然布满时光的痕迹,变得古朴厚重。新与旧,当下与历史,应该更自然地融合,而不是照搬传统。因此,建筑外墙并未直接采用大面积白墙,设计团队用竹子开模、打样,再用水泥纤维和钢筋混凝土预制了一款竹节板,干挂在建筑外立面上,凹凸起伏的层次感别有生趣,同时也对建筑起到保温作用。






年轻人所向往的生活方式,或许就藏在人与自然的亲密关系里。度假酒店为当代人提供了一个回到自然中去,回到内在的契机。不断探索未来生活方式的HOPE DESIGN,在如中国画一般的徽派小城里,用一座酒店在当代与传统之间找到了灵感的最佳契合点,为向往自然山居与建筑文化的旅人增添了一处最佳目的地。


An Hui-style Castle That Grows Naturally In The Sky


Yixian County was founded in the 26th year of Qin Shihuang (221 years ago). It is one of the birthplaces of "Anhui Culture". As a world cultural heritage site, Huizhou culture and Huizhou merchants have created ancient villages with typical local traditional characteristics. The natural scenery of the ancient village, which seems to have emerged from the Chinese ink painting, has attracted countless painters, photographers and tourists to come for their vacation. Here, there is no need to choose a special shooting angle. When the drone rises to a height of 100 meters, the shutter is pressed to retain a Chinese painting with a leisurely mood.


WYNDHAM DONGRONG HOTEL is located in the south of Yixian County, next to Zhangshui River. It is connected to the Hongcun Tourist Attraction in the east and Xidi Tourist Attraction in the south. There is no doubt that the location of the hotel has laid the cornerstone for subsequent operations. After in-depth analysis of the location and regional culture of the hotel, the designers put forward an integrated architectural, landscape and interior design solution that integrates localization and experience. They also put forward from the perspective of hotel business operations: "Hotels are not only on the way to travel the place of residence can be a destination for travel."


The architectural planning of the project draws on the design processing techniques of the spatial mechanism in the layout of traditional Hui-style villages. That is, through the creation of a series of enclosed courtyards, small water systems and tortuous corridors, an exclusive spatial mechanism is formed in accordance with local conditions, and the planning idea of natural growth and harmony between man and nature is formed.


"Yixian Green" is a kind of marble unique to Yixian, with solid and fine stone quality. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Xidi Mingju buildings used this kind of stone in large quantities. The designer used this unique material on the outer wall of the hotel building below three floors, so that the building forms a visual sinking treatment, and it fits the surrounding natural environment more closely. Starting from the fifth floor, we will retreat and restore the Hui-style villages with the concept of "Huanghui Pavilion". The horse head walls are layered on top of each other to form an array, reproducing the keynote of the micro-style with modern techniques.


After field trips to ancient villages such as Hongcun Xidi, the designers realized that after hundreds of years of wind and rain, the real ancient villages have become full of traces of time and become simple and heavy. The new and the old, the present and the history, should blend more naturally instead of copying the tradition. Therefore, the exterior wall of the building did not directly adopt a large-area white wall. The design team used bamboo to mold and proof, and then prefabricated a bamboo joint board with cement fiber and reinforced concrete. The sense of hierarchy is interesting, and it also has a thermal insulation effect on the building.


Between the hotel lobby and the guest rooms, a traditional Huizhou building is revived here as a corridor connecting the new and the old, the present and the history. The pavilions, wooden windows, and tiles can form a sharp contrast with the glass curtain walls of modern buildings. The curtain wall is made of white glazed glass, which not only controls the projection and transmission of light inside and outside the building, but also influences the stay and extension of people's sight lines inside and outside the building. The lights are on at night, the building is shrouded in dim and gentle light, and the sense of lightness and atmosphere of the holiday is also ready to come out.


While creating the "Huang Hui Pavilion" on the river side of the hotel, the designer also extracted the "horse head wall" elements from the language of Hui architecture along the street to make art installations. The lines are simplified to form an elegant and undulating building facade. People and vehicles can feel the texture changes like the roof of a village in the process of traveling.


The lifestyle that young people yearn for may be hidden in the close relationship between man and nature. The resort hotel provides an opportunity for contemporary people to go back to nature and inside. Designers who are constantly exploring the lifestyle of the future have found the best fit of inspiration between contemporary and traditional with a hotel in a small Huizhou city like a Chinese painting. It adds a best destination for travelers who yearn for natural mountain dwellings and architectural culture.

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