引胸中山水为怀,奔赴追逐以自省;居地上山水之境,以做尘世繁碌间的栖息之地。承传统之野趣、现代之精技,将山水清风悉数引入院落之中,将自古以来的中式情怀融于生活。项目旨意通过设计来重塑人们对禅意东方的理解,定义于体现人禅合一的精神意境,为现代人营造一片灵魂栖息之地。We take the mountains and waters in our chest as our bosom and run after them for self-reflection; we live in the realm of the mountains and waters on the ground to be the habitat in the world's hustle and bustle. The project is designed to reshape people's understanding of the Zen East through design.The project aims to reshape people's understanding of the Zen East through design, defining the spiritual state of unity of man and Zen, and creating a place for the soul of modern people to reside.
步入一进接待厅, 迎面是一幅赤壁图 江河汹处,一叶扁舟游荡其间, 当视线随著行舟的方向往右望去, 只见大江东流,渐趋平缓的水纹与山峦尽收眼底。
赤壁图两侧四根中式构柱,顶天立地, 采用中国传统的雕梁画栋加之榫卯结构, 塑造了一处气宇轩昂的经典中式建筑。 四盏烛台暗衬其中,使人境在心中,心为境动, 方悟人生之境不在乎高远, 而在等闲瞬息之间,伫思往复千回百转, 低吟浅喃,渐归平凡。
步入二进营销中心,三面阔景宽窗, 坐于室内,晨沐朝霞,夜观星斗,咫尺乾坤尽在眼前。 天花以斗拱为原型, 传承千年建筑仪范,恢弘成势, 更赋予了空间雍容端庄的气质 舒展而不张扬,古朴却富有活力。