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10295 2020-12-30T09:30:06 47
设计师: 高岩


Vanke Cloud is a vertical community of creative industry instead of a building simply with leasable space. It is the second generation of the Vanke Could while Vanke, the biggest real estate developer in China, changes from a developer to a city operator as well as an industrial service provider.


1. Innovativeness 革新

1.1 办公类型学的概念革新 Concept of Typology


Splitting Cores
The concept of splitting cores into a collection of smaller cores allow for central void space, which used to be a solid core in conventional towers. Meanwhile, it allows for communal interaction inside the tower mass.

1.2 概念化内容 Conceptualise Content
Logic / Value / Performance / Quantity / Impression

1.3 体验理念——打造垂直社区 Concept of Experience – Build a Vertical Community
垂直厂房 :低层的社区环境、开放和灵活的计划 、真实的结构和材料表达
Stacking Warehouse:Low-rise community environment / Open and flexible plan / Authentic structural and material expression.

2. Functionality 功能

2.1 可持续性(社会)Sustainable Performance (Social)
The most socially sustainable architecture is the one that the residents emotionally attach to with a strong sense of belonging and have more possibilities to customize their own ways of using it.

2.2 可持续性(经济)Sustainable Performance (Economical)
A big variety of possible office unit types as more resilient office space for an unpredictable market.

2.3 空间孵化事件 Space Incubates Events

  • 核心筒之间跨的南北通透和跌落
  • 东西两部分不同的悬挑特异办公形成内部中庭的另一个性格


Program Planning of Terraces

  • The core tube spans north-south permeability and sag
  • The different cantilevered offices of the east and west parts form another character of the inner atrium

Functions: Mini-cinema / Mini-Golf Course / Table Football / Urban Farm / Music Box / Rapid Prototyping Lab

3. Artistry 艺术

3.1 体现空间内容和办公体验的形式明晰 Formal Articulation in Line with Programmatic Distribution and Spatial Experience
Equal access to the sharable space such as different meeting rooms for every story.

3.2 室内空间连续 Internal Spatial Continuation

3.3 立面韵律整合室外空调机和阳台 Facade Rhythm to Accommodate the AC Outdoor Units and the Valuable Balconies

4. Environmental Protection 环保

4.1 可持续性(生态)- 利用自然采光通风,以及烟囱效应的热压通风 Chimney Effect for Thermal Ventilation

立面 Facade

立面 Facade

立面 Facade

立面 Facade

立面 Facade

立面 Facade

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  • 高岩
  • 广东-深圳
  • 需要优质装修设计服务吗? 委托设计

