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本案坐落于美丽的三亚半山半岛。项目面积300平方,博物馆空间提供沉香香道知识培训,沉香展示,沉香专家访谈节目服务内容,目的是为了传播沉香文化,做线下形象体验店。设计定位是现代中式沉香博物馆,整个设计沿着“简洁庄重”的主题,用深咖啡色调表现“天人和一”的传统设计理念,使整个空间散发着平和安详的气息,让人躁动不安的心灵归于平和,忘却世外的烦恼与喧嚣,是一个绝佳的心灵栖息地,更是文人修身养性最佳场所。以“岭南建筑的门”和“中国画卷”为理念来源,整体设计风格古朴庄重中不失现代时尚,也体现着古典印象“在传承中求发展”的创新设计理念。整个中式博物馆设计布局严谨通透,各个功能区域环环相扣,对称性的布局也让博物馆更有吸引力。将海南沉香馆打造成一个大隐与市的品茗论道高端博物馆。故事从李清照的一首词开始,薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑销金兽。佳节又重阳,玉枕纱厨,半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后,有暗香盈袖。莫道不消魂,帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦。其中“瑞脑”为香,“金兽”为香炉,古代文人拨弦抚琴,清香一炷可修身养性;香云一炉可提神助兴,品茶论道,书画会友,无香何以为聚?香道在我国有久远的历史,中国文人经常以香伴读,“红袖在侧,秘语谈私,执手拥炉,焚以薰心热意。谓古助情可也。”便是一种写照。几千年来的屡屡馨香,始终象春雨化雨一样滋润熏蒸着历代文人的心灵,中国文人确乎是书香难分了。 一盏香炉,一缕轻烟,一颗安然自若的心,一双聪灵巧致的手,一丝细微的呼吸,一曲悠扬的古曲,让你在若有若无,若隐若现的香韵弥漫中,静享一份古雅乐事,体悟一份禅之深意……
It is the Sanya Hilly Peninsula Eaglewood ClubProject covering a land area of 300 square meters. The club provides trainingof knowledge in eaglewood, demonstration of eaglewood and eaglewood expertinterview program services for the purpose of the propagation of the eaglewoodculture and making offline image experiencing stores. The orientation of designis a modern Chinese-style eaglewood club, with the overall design focusing onthe traditional design philosophy of “simplicity and solemnity” as the theme aswell as the “harmony of the sky and man” using the dark brown coffee color, sothat the entire space is full of peaceful and calm atmosphere, and people’srestless mind will turn into peace forgetting all worries and noise, hence awonderful place for souls and optimal place for physical and mental relaxationfor scholars. With the “door of Lingnan Architecture” and “Chinese picturescrolls” as the source of philosophy, the overall design style is classic andsimple without lack of modern fashion, also embodied in the innovative designphilosophy by “seek for development from inheriting” based on classic impression.The entire Chinese-style club design is rigorously and transparently designedand laid out, with all functional areas linking one after another. Symmetricallayout will make the club more attractive to build Hainan Eaglewood Club into atop club for tea and talks away from urban noise. The tale starts from a poemwritten by Li Qingzhao, a very famous Chinese poet: The Double Ninth FestivalLight mists and heavy clouds, melancholy the long dreary day. In the goldencenser, the burning incense is dying away. It is again time for the lovelyDouble-Ninth Festival; The coolness of midnight penetrates my screen of sheersilk and chills my pillow of jade. After drinking wine at twilight under thechrysanthemum hedge, My sleeves are perfumed by the fragrance of the plants.Oh, I cannot say it is not endearing, Only, when the west wind stir thecurtain, I see that I am more gracile than the yellow flowers. In the poem, “Ruinao”means incense, while “Jinshou” means golden censor. The men of letters inAncient China played musical instruments for better health and temperaments byburning some incense, which could make them refreshed and full of fun. Theycould talk in a wide range while drinking tea, but without incense, how couldthey get together? Incense has a long history in China. Men of letters inancient China used to study by incense accompanying them. “With tea on theside, friends can talk privately with hands holding the censer, which canpenetrate the heart and mind. That is the assistance to sentiments and moods”is the good description of the censer and incense. For thousands of years,endless incense always seems to be spring rain to moisten and penetrate intosouls of men of letters. Men of letters in China seem to be very hard to keepaway from incense. A censer, a wisp of smoke, a peaceful and poised heart, twosmart and flexible hands, a slight breath and a piece of melodious ancientmusic will allow you to enjoy something classic and elegant and recognize theimplication of Zen Buddhism in the visible but seemingly invisible incense…
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