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28081 2014-11-20T10:25:42 10 [佳作]
设计师: 薛守山 ( 深圳市山艺空间设计有限公司 )







设计理念:本案以“灵透之材,蓬勃之势”为主题,用象征化的表现手法,多元化的设计元素,力求整体风格与整栋大楼协调、清新、大气的外观设计保持一致,企业气质内外浑然一体,展现出富有深刻内涵的视觉空间及该企业独特的个性与特点,设计师在本案中大量使用了石材、玻璃、银色系列及浅色调的洁净材料, 构筑个性化空间,该色彩搭配除了清透、雅致、稳重、大气之外,亦表现出一种力度感和效率感。空间布局中,设计师打破了传统的办公空间布局特点,在空间布局中体现出了活泼的空间氛围。开敞办公空间力求将空间最大化利用同时通过对人流动线的分析和对空间功能分析,设定了方便人们办公行为的特色区域。当人们在办公室中埋头苦干时也可以到艺术办公区和办公休闲区适当的放松,共同商讨工作方案,这让工作氛围变的轻松活跃,更符合空间内人群办公行为需求。设计师在设计空间时将空间打造出了知性温和而又不失活泼的感觉。


Project name: jin jia group office

Project location: shenzhen

Design content: office space design

Project area: 1500 square meters

Style: modern style

Material: stone, gypsum board, emulsioni paint, carpet, etc.

Design concept: "the material is collected fully clever, booming trend" as the theme, with symbolic expression, diversification of design elements, and the overall style and the whole building harmonious, fresh, consistent appearance design of the atmosphere, inside and outside enterprise temperament one integrated mass, show a rich in deep connotations of the visual space and the enterprise's unique personality and characteristics, the designer used in great quantities in this case the glass, silver series and light clean material, building personalized space, the colour collocation in addition to clear, elegant, calm and steady, atmospheric, also show a feeling of strength and efficiency. Spatial layout, the designer has broken the traditional office space layout characteristics, reflects in the spatial layout and lively atmosphere of space. The opening office space to maximize the space use at the same time, through the analysis of one flow line and the spatial analysis function, set the features of convenient people office behavior area. When people are beavering away in the office also can go to the art district office and recreational area appropriate to relax, to discuss the work plan, which make working atmosphere relaxed and active, more can meet the demand of office space in crowd behavior. Stylist is when space of design to create the intellectual space modest and do not break lively feeling.

办公区一(Office area)

办公区一(Office area)

办公区二(Office area two)

办公区二(Office area two)

办公区三(Office area three)

办公区三(Office area three)

免责声明:A963设计网作品由网站注册会员发表,本网站对其作品的版权未作证实,对作品的原创性、真实性不作保证,也不承担由此产生的法律责任。未经本网站及作者授权,请勿转载。如对作品版权有疑议,请及时与我们电话联系:0755-83869208 QQ:4000168963
  • 薛守山 (深圳市山艺空间设计有限公司)
  • 广东-深圳
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