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Spice market

51836 2012-11-21T17:07:29 0 [精品]
设计师: concre
Spice market说明:

 Imagine a wall of spices containing all the colours, flavours and fragrances of Asian cuisine. Imagine a spice cabinet, 2 floors high, 24 metres long and revealing every ingredient the chef will need to create the distinguished Spice Market dishes. This spice cabinet is here, asthe centre-piece of the restaurant and starting point for a great dinnertime. When you look up from the street and see through the transparent restaurant façade, you can even see the cabinet from there.

Spice Market London is a unique mix of the ethnic vintage feel of Spice Market New York and the contemporary architecture of the new building on Leicester Square in London. The eclectic and intimate design is a result of gold mesh sliding screens, brass screen lanterns, jatoba timbo flooring and cosy booths, a unique brass birdcage spiral stairs and 600 wok-lights. 

The restaurant is a two-level space connected by the grand iconic birdcage-staircase and a central void in the mezzanine floor, transporting the energy from the kitchen into the entire space. Guests can settle on both floors and choose from a wide variation of seats: cocktail bar, sushi bar and lounge seating on the ground floor and restaurant seating with an open kitchen on the mezzanine floor.

Monumental brass lanterns with laser-cut patterns give a warm and soft glow and shed an extraordinary decorative light throughout the restaurant area. Another eccentric light creation can be found when looking up into an endless sea of wok lamps hanging from the ceiling. Of course, Spice Market is not just about the cooking inside the kitchen.
There are bar stools if you have to wait for a friend and have a drink in the meantime, there are armchairs at the bespoke dinner table for two, a black leather seating booth for the more intimate dinners and a black leather lounge chair or sofa with cushions to relax and have a chat over the coffee later.


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