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CitizenM London Bankside

27395 2012-11-21T10:58:42 0 [精品]
设计师: concre
CitizenM London Bankside说明:

CitizenM is a new Dutch hotel group that opened their first hotel at Schiphol Airport in 2008. Their second hotel in Amsterdam City opened in 2009, followed in 2010 by citizenM Glasgow. citizenM Bankside will be the fourth hotel to open, and offers mobile citizens of the world affordable luxury in the heart of the city. The concept of the hotel is to cut out all hidden costs and remove all unnecessary items, in order to provide its guests a luxury feel for a budget price. The hotel exists of 192 rooms of 14 sq m, all prefabricated produced in a factory and easy to transport. The design is focussed on citizenMs belief that a great bed and a simple and clean bathroom is all we need during a city or business trip. The rooms are stacked on a ground floor with a dynamic lobby, living room space and F&B functions including a public accessible cafe. Seven creating spaces are
housed on the first floor, operating under the name of societyM, citizenMs working and meeting facility.

Concrete created the concept of citizenM as a holistic plan. It sets the boundaries for every creative process in all disciplines involved in the citizenM hotels. Concrete itself is responsible for the interior as well as the architectural design, with the corporation of local architects in the execution design.


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