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九唐作品|深圳·禧塘小館 小中見大

1668 2022-08-30T12:33:50 15
设计师: 九唐设计
九唐作品|深圳·禧塘小館 小中見大说明:


















No wine for guests, no harm in talking. But the fine roasted tea, clean and wash the calendars, boiling soup. Here with friends to enjoy tea, such a beautiful scene, how can I bear to leave.

The space is set off by artwork, which is a major component in building the aesthetics of the space, reflecting each other as cause and effect. After a black art wall painting is placed on a blank wall, the aura is immediately magnified several times, and it is difficult to move the eyes away from the picture, and the embedded placement of customized tea utensils, golden shelves, and seemingly randomly placed greenery generates the desired spatial mood.

客來無酒,清話何妨。但細烘茶,淨洗盞,滾燒湯。在這裡品茶會友,這美好,怎忍離去。 空間內有藝術品的映襯,是構建空間美學的一大重要組成部分,互為因果相互映襯。一幅黑色藝術牆畫放置在空白牆面後,頓時氣場放大數倍,視線很難從畫面上挪開,嵌入放置定制的茶類用具、金色置物架、看似隨意擺放的綠植,生成了想要的空間意境。 No wine for guests, no harm in talking. But the fine roasted tea, clean and wash the calendars, boiling soup. Here with friends to enjoy tea, such a beautiful scene, how can I bear to leave. The space is set off by artwork, which is a major component in building the aesthetics of the space, reflecting each other as cause and effect. After a black art wall painting is placed on a blank wall, the aura is immediately magnified several times, and it is difficult to move the eyes away from the picture, and the embedded placement of customized tea utensils, golden shelves, and seemingly randomly placed greenery generates the desired spatial mood.


The meeting room is a place to gather for discussion and meeting, and the faith of the heart to return to the vegetation is expressed through the three-dimensional shape of the wall with restraint. The micro landscape decoration in the center of the meeting table attracts attention, allowing people to get away from the hustle and bustle of the world instantly.

會議室作為聚集討論開會的場所,心向歸素的信仰,通過牆面立體造型克制的表達出來。鑲嵌在會議桌中央的微景觀裝潢引人注意,讓人暫態脫身繁雜塵囂,置身世外。 The meeting room is a place to gather for discussion and meeting, and the faith of the heart to return to the vegetation is expressed through the three-dimensional shape of the wall with restraint. The micro landscape decoration in the center of the meeting table attracts attention, allowing people to get away from the hustle and bustle of the world instantly.

免责声明:A963设计网作品由网站注册会员发表,本网站对其作品的版权未作证实,对作品的原创性、真实性不作保证,也不承担由此产生的法律责任。未经本网站及作者授权,请勿转载。如对作品版权有疑议,请及时与我们电话联系:0755-83869208 QQ:4000168963
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