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21364 2022-08-05T16:47:14 22 [佳作]
Situated in Qianhai, the core district in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, Shenzhen Qianhai NIO House sits to the east of Lingdingyang and on the east bank of the Pearl River Estuary. With its location right close to the two major airports: the Hong Kong International Airport and the Shenzhen Airport, it boasts the top-level natural and urban resources and is entitled as “a special zone inside the special zone”. 

蔚来的SLOGAN是“Blue Sky Coming,蔚来已来”,与前海的未来展望不谋而合。我们希望通过“蔚来展厅”,将其塑造成辐射蔚来用户以外人群的城市社区会客厅,进而发展为湾区活力聚点与城市新社群对话的窗口,以蔚来为起点影响湾区创新社区生态。使用简约的设计元素,并采用通透的展现手法,减少设计上的演绎,将空间更多地留给室内与室外的人与物。
NIO’s slogan “Blue Sky Coming” matches with the vision of Qianhai district. “NIO Showroom” is expected to be the meeting and social space for urban community that include and attract more people, no matter they’re NIO users or not. On this basis, it is developed to be the window for the energetic and eye-catching urban new communities to have dialogues with each other. NIO, as a pioneer, is guiding the innovative community ecology in the Greater Bay Area. Concise design elements are used with transparent visual effect. The focus of the space, in this way, is shifted from design to the people and objects from both indoor and outdoor.  

The first floor is the car showroom, in which cars will be the protagonists. That’s why much of the space is designed to display the cars and deliver the brand image. The large blocks present a spacious feel. Besides, the space is full of sense of high-technology with the mirror-surface stainless steel.

NIO House不仅仅是品牌展示区,亦是科技与城市融合的展示窗口,也将成为与客户互动的共享社区。一层定位为Gallery空间,二层则是用户共享空间。这里是以用户为中心的多功能社区中心, NIO Cafe、Library、Forum 和 Lab 连接在一起,构成丰富而自由的生活方式。
NIO House is not only an area to showcase the brand, but also a space to integrate technology and urban resources. More importantly, it is the co-sharing community to interact with the clients. The first floor is positioned as Gallery, and the second floor is the co-sharing space for users. This is a client-oriented multi-functional community center, where a meaningful and free lifestyle can be achieved through the connected NIO Café, Library, Forum, and Lab.  

Interaction is much valued in the space. The main goal is to make the space a warm and comfortable place, so the furniture is also designed to be handy and easy to use. The Forum Zone is a multiple-functional area, where the furniture can be stacked up or moved flexibly. Based on future practical needs, this area can be adapted to organize forums, exhibitions, show stages, yoga sports activities, and so on. The Children Zone, with the theme of “Factory of Dream”, uses many arc-shaped furniture mainly in the ocean blue tone, to offer the children a lighthearted space where they can have all the colorful dreams.

深圳前海蔚来汽车展厅位于粤港澳大湾区的核心片区的前海,位于伶仃洋东侧,珠江口东岸,紧邻香港国际机场和深圳机场两大空港,犹如坐拥自然资源和城市资源的天之骄子,被誉为“特区中的特区”。 Situated in Qianhai, the core district in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, Shenzhen Qianhai NIO House sits to the east of Lingdingyang and on the east bank of the Pearl River Estuary. With its location right close to the two major airports: the Hong Kong International Airport and the Shenzhen Airport, it boasts the top-level natural and urban resources and is entitled as “a special zone inside the special zone”. 蔚来的SLOGAN是“Blue Sky Coming,蔚来已来”,与前海的未来展望不谋而合。我们希望通过“蔚来展厅”,将其塑造成辐射蔚来用户以外人群的城市社区会客厅,进而发展为湾区活力聚点与城市新社群对话的窗口,以蔚来为起点影响湾区创新社区生态。使用简约的设计元素,并采用通透的展现手法,减少设计上的演绎,将空间更多地留给室内与室外的人与物。 NIO’s slogan “Blue Sky Coming” matches with the vision of Qianhai district. “NIO Showroom” is expected to be the meeting and social space for urban community that include and attract more people, no matter they’re NIO users or not. On this basis, it is developed to be the window for the energetic and eye-catching urban new communities to have dialogues with each other. NIO, as a pioneer, is guiding the innovative community ecology in the Greater Bay Area. Concise design elements are used with transparent visual effect. The focus of the space, in this way, is shifted from design to the people and objects from both indoor and outdoor. 一层为汽车展厅,这里的主角是汽车,因此我们将更多的空间用于汽车展示和品牌形象的输出。用大体块的设计面来营造空间的大气感,搭配镜面不锈钢,宏大之余科技感十足。 The first floor is the car showroom, in which cars will be the protagonists. That’s why much of the space is designed to display the cars and deliver the brand image. The large blocks present a spacious feel. Besides, the space is full of sense of high-technology with the mirror-surface stainless steel. NIO House不仅仅是品牌展示区,亦是科技与城市融合的展示窗口,也将成为与客户互动的共享社区。一层定位为Gallery空间,二层则是用户共享空间。这里是以用户为中心的多功能社区中心, NIO Cafe、Library、Forum 和 Lab 连接在一起,构成丰富而自由的生活方式。 NIO House is not only an area to showcase the brand, but also a space to integrate technology and urban resources. More importantly, it is the co-sharing community to interact with the clients. The first floor is positioned as Gallery, and the second floor is the co-sharing space for users. This is a client-oriented multi-functional community center, where a meaningful and free lifestyle can be achieved through the connected NIO Café, Library, Forum, and Lab. 空间注重交互性,设计的氛围营造也以温馨舒适为主,家具设计上也着重便利性的打造。Forum论坛区是多功能区域,家具运用可以灵活移动堆叠的形式,未来可以根据需求,进行论坛模式、展览模式、秀场模式、瑜伽运动模式等的随意切换。儿童区的主题为“梦工厂”,设计上运用大量的弧形家具,以海洋的蓝色为主,希望带给儿童一个无忧无虑、可以天真造梦的空间。 Interaction is much valued in the space. The main goal is to make the space a warm and comfortable place, so the furniture is also designed to be handy and easy to use. The Forum Zone is a multiple-functional area, where the furniture can be stacked up or moved flexibly. Based on future practical needs, this area can be adapted to organize forums, exhibitions, show stages, yoga sports activities, and so on. The Children Zone, with the theme of “Factory of Dream”, uses many arc-shaped furniture mainly in the ocean blue tone, to offer the children a lighthearted space where they can have all the colorful dreams.





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