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九唐新作 |青島膠東機場酒店——詩書禮樂的居所

2181 2021-08-11T12:44:36 4
设计师: 九唐设计
九唐新作 |青島膠東機場酒店——詩書禮樂的居所说明:


Jan.28,1919,on On Paris Peace Conference. Japan proposed “taking over kiaochow bay, Jiaoji railway and all other prerogatives of Shandong to Japan”. Gu Weijun,a young Chinese diplomatist hit back:


“ Shandong is the cradle of Chinese Civilization, it is the hometown of Confucius and Mencius.It is an sacred place. China shall not give up Shandong, like the West shall not give up Jerusalem.”


Shandong: home of Confucius and Mencius.


A hundred years later, An luxury five-star hotel had been stood up on the territory which Gu Weijun fought for on the conference. It is Qingdao Jiaodong Airport Hotel. And Jiutang team who make the interior schematic design of this hotel, tried to integrate the ancient Chinese elements into this modern architectural space, to give the most appreciatable salute to the hometown of Confucius.


Qingdao Jiaodong Airport Exterior


Hotel Lobby


Concept on Lobby Reception: ink painting & bamboo slip

酒店大堂接待區 Lobby Reception


The area of Qingdao Jiaodong Airport is 55000 m²,the shape of building architecture is like a white rainbow. Therefor, the lobby itself has two extreme long wings but lack of depth. The core space of lobby is reception area: the designer adds glass partition to make it as half-opening space to create sense of depth. Meanwhile, it also creates a certain privacy for the customers who are launching into the reception.


The designer integrates the concept of bamboo slip into the back wall of reception. All back wall is like an ink paint which assembled by countless pieces of bamboo slips. a narrow width carpet in front of the reception desk ingeniously inspires a ritual sense in this space.

酒店大堂 Hotel Lobby


Lobby Bar Concept: Mortise and Tenon Joint Structure

大堂吧 Lobby Bar


On the lobby bar, designer adds a wood color mortise and tenon joint structure on the ceiling of lobby bar to make a balance of space clear height disproportion.Designer chooses Chinese furniture here to pay tribute to the wisdom of ancient artisans.


All Day Dinning Restaurant


Concept of ADD Foyer: chime bells & bronze drum

全日制餐廳前廳 ADD Foyer


Restaurant foyer is an very important welcoming area in dinning spaces. So how to show the gorgeous and welcoming feeling meanwhile integrates classical elements? Designers recalls two old history stories:

第一個典故,據《論語》記載:“子在齊聞《韶》,三月不知肉味。曰:“不圖爲樂之至于斯也!” 就是說孔子在齊國聽到了《韶樂》,沉浸其中,以爲是人間至極的的美妙體驗。以至于這三個月期間即便吃著肉也體會不到吃肉的快樂了,連孔子自己都不得不感嘆道:“沒想到沉浸音樂之樂能達到這種地步啊!”

First one: According to “Analects of Confucius”, Confucius had listened Shao music in Shandong province, he obsessed it so much that he could not enjoy the taste of meat which lasted three months long at the meantime. Even Confucius himself also surprised and said: “Couldn't believe that I obsessed it to the extent of such a dimension!”


Second one: According to “The Commentary of Zuo”, Jizha, an ambassador of Wu country, during his visiting in Lu country, he had listened Shao music and praised: “the peak of perfection ! Couldn't enjoy more ! even if there are some more must to show, I wouldn't dare to listen.”


Both of the stories mentioned on classical music: Shao Music. It was one of the court musics during Spring & Autumn Period to show the most hospitality ritual by the kings. And only instrument which could play Shao music is chime bells.


Therefor, designer integrate the chime bell element into the design of ADD foyer: we abstract the features of chime bells to the design of reception counter walls. And also abstract the features of ancient bronze drum to the doors. The rich of metal texture will give glorious and welcoming feelings to the foyer space.

全日制餐廳 All Day Dinning Restaurant


The ceiling pattern of All Day Dinning Restaurant is also designed like book slip, the lighting features are also designed like ancient Chinese lighting appearance. These lighting features strengthened warm graceful atmosphere.


Hotel Guest Room


Concept of Guest Room: Archery

酒店客房 Hotel Guest Room

傳說孔子修訂《周禮》,規定了士族子弟在受教育期間所必須掌握了六種技藝,即:“禮、樂、射、禦、書、數”,謂之孔子六藝。在青島膠東機場酒店,設計師也將六藝的元素融入進了客房設計中。客房的兩個床頭燈被設計成了弓的造型, 而床上用品也特意選用印有騎馬射獵圖案的枕頭,與兩側床頭的弓型燈具相呼應。床頭後方藍色的背景墻上繡有傳統織錦團紋,客房與衛浴之間的木質隔斷雕有傳統鏤空窗花紋樣。這些古典元素交織在一起,營造出客房空間陽春白雪,詩書禮樂一般古樸雅致的卓然氣質。

According to “The Rite of Zhou” which had been revised by Confucius, In ancient time the youngsters of noble families must learn ritual, music, archery, horsemanship, writing and mathematics. In ancient we call it “Six Arts”. Designer also integrates the elements of six arts into guest room design. The two lighting features nearby the bed had been designed like two arches. The pillows also weaved horse riding & archery theme patterns. Combined with traditional blue brocaded back wall, the whole space suddenly has a marvellous elegant atmosphere.




The core idea of Qingdao Jiaodong Airport interior scheme is renovate classic. The designer is trying to make the ancient Chinese tradition reborn in the modern architecture. This is an experiment of combination in between classical spirit and modern functionality. And Jiutang design team’s experimental work perfectly reflected the words from Le Corbusier:


“ Custom, it may have last for thousands years with us and it still the companion of our life. It’s harmonious relation to the environment should be considerably concerned. We could capture a sense of safety and sense of belonging from it. And this is the mysterious and precious source of all architectural inspiration.” 

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