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捷报 | 布鲁盟设计入围2020 AD Awards!

4672 2020-12-07T14:56:19 46
设计机构: 深圳市布鲁盟室内设计有限公司
捷报 | 布鲁盟设计入围2020 AD Awards!说明:
项目名称 |  爱漫文旅小镇隐庐别院
项目地址 |  中国湖北省应城市国际矿山公园
项目面积 |  584㎡ 
开发商— |  湖北爱漫文化旅游发展有限公司
硬装设计 |  布鲁盟设计
软装设计 |  布鲁盟设计
项目摄影 |  感光映画、严丽霞

柔软和长久,常伴长生,凡水流之处,必留下痕迹。设计师试图用具象化的空间装饰,探索抽象而哲学化的概念 —— 轻盈流淌、瞬息万变的水的另一重面相:侵蚀,并将时间保存下来。


Softness is often accompanied by longevity. Where there is the flow of water, there will be traces. The designer tries to utilize figurative space decorations to explore the abstract and philosophical concepts, another aspect of the light-flowing and ever-changing characteristics of water, which is the erosion and preservation of time. 



The seats under white streamlined decorations look as if the caves formed by long-term flowing water. With the driftwood-style tables and chairs, cushions and chandeliers, these seats are changed into the mazes that are soft, safe and can surround people.

柔软和长久,常伴长生,凡水流之处,必留下痕迹。设计师试图用具象化的空间装饰,探索抽象而哲学化的概念 —— 轻盈流淌、瞬息万变的水的另一重面相:侵蚀,并将时间保存下来。 - Softness is often accompanied by longevity. Where there is the flow of water, there will be traces. The designer tries to utilize figurative space decorations to explore the abstract and philosophical concepts, another aspect of the light-flowing and ever-changing characteristics of water, which is the erosion and preservation of time. 白色流线装饰下的座椅,仿佛长时间流水冲刷形成的岩穴。搭配着漂流木风格的桌椅摆件、软垫和枝状吊灯,这些座位成了一个个柔软又安全,能将人包裹起来的迷宫。 - The seats under white streamlined decorations look as if the caves formed by long-term flowing water. With the driftwood-style tables and chairs, cushions and chandeliers, these seats are changed into the mazes that are soft, safe and can surround people.

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