膏岩层的意象,在空间中被完美演绎。南区陶艺展示墙的点光源,反衬莫兰迪风格的陶器,粗砺的表面模拟着冲刷腐蚀的结果。北区以藤壶造型和手工质感的粗陶装饰,目光所及之处,轻易就能发现时间留下的划痕。已经风化成岩石色泽的动物头骨,进一步点染出“远离尘世”的风味。 - The image of the gypsolyte is well interpreted in the space. The point light of pottery display wall in the south hall contrasts with Morandi-style potteries, and the rough surface simulates the erosion corrosion. While the north hall is decorated with barnacle-shaped and handmade stoneware, and the trace time left behind can be easily found everywhere you look. The animal skulls that have been weathered into rocky color and lustre further enrich the feeling of away from the madding crowd.