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捷报 | 布鲁盟设计入围2020 AD Awards!

4668 2020-12-07T14:56:19 46
设计机构: 深圳市布鲁盟室内设计有限公司
捷报 | 布鲁盟设计入围2020 AD Awards!说明:
项目名称 |  爱漫文旅小镇隐庐别院
项目地址 |  中国湖北省应城市国际矿山公园
项目面积 |  584㎡ 
开发商— |  湖北爱漫文化旅游发展有限公司
硬装设计 |  布鲁盟设计
软装设计 |  布鲁盟设计
项目摄影 |  感光映画、严丽霞



During the early research, the designer Bangbang discovered a perfect material: the gypsolyte. This geological structure is widely distributed in the Jianghan Plain, but few people know it. As the crystallization of hundreds of millions of years of water evaporation, the bright white surface of the gypsolyte is full of marks of water and time.

设计的灵感来自自然的遗珠:膏岩层。这种地质现象,在江汉平原分布广泛,却少人了解。作为亿万年水汽蒸发的结晶,膏岩光洁白亮的外表上,留下了水和时间共同的刻痕。 - During the early research, the designer Bangbang discovered a perfect material: the gypsolyte. This geological structure is widely distributed in the Jianghan Plain, but few people know it. As the crystallization of hundreds of millions of years of water evaporation, the bright white surface of the gypsolyte is full of marks of water and time.

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