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46519 2020-10-27T18:41:48 13 [佳作]
设计机构: 深圳市中熙设计有限公司




The project is located in the office lobby space design of the comprehensive building in Yiwu Dongyu Logistics Park. The park is surrounded by sorting stations and logistics warehouses. The designer extracts from the characteristics of the logistics industry, the relationship elements of fast, link, and transportation. The design is inspired by barcodes and containers that are common in the logistics industry. Create a free, open and cool office space that reflects the characteristics of the logistics industry.

In terms of space layout, designer redesigned the structure of the original lobby building space on the upper and lower floors, and re-planned the circulation of people. In the original space, the four pillars in the lobby exist in isolation. The connecting beams obstruct vision and destroy the overall sense of the space. They have no connection with the exterior façade neither. The designer re-adjusted the relationship between four pillars and made them as a whole structure. It also created different circulations of people walking and waiting.

The application of colors is undoubtedly another outstanding feature of the space. The designer of bathroom distinguished the male and female areas through strong color contrast of blue and red by combining the basic colors of the brand. Such method enriched visual impact and offered a touch of art to the gray space focusing on efficiency.

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  • 深圳市中熙设计有限公司
  • 广东-深圳
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