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深圳远洋新干线办公展示中心 · 汇格设计

46522 2020-07-28T11:55:42 20 [精品]
设计师: 汇格设计
深圳远洋新干线办公展示中心 · 汇格设计说明:





SINI-OCEAN Shikansen office is located in Nanlian community, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China. With all kinds of public facilities and convenient transportation, this project is under the requirement of urban renewal, which means the office has to be more creative and special. It is a challenge to Hag.

At the entrance of the space, Vincent Lee,the project designer, created a mountain - shaped surface which is constructed by means of a glass lamppost to creats a solemn atmosphere, it caters to the group's outstanding achievement and, furthermore, presents the group's first impression to the public.The space divides into six function parts—— manager’s office, staffs’working area, open meeting area, coffee break area, vistor waiting area and golf entertainment expericence area.

Glass and metal decorations can be seen all over the space, in order to enhance artistic touch; The collision of creamy white and orange have formed a relaxing atmosphere. Each corner has its own functions and characteristics, explains the idea“one space is not only a space, but a kind of working/living style”. Vincent believes that office, nowadays, should transform, from its simplefunction into an emotional space, to arouse more inspration and good ideas.

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