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7806 2019-01-14T11:40:00 12
设计机构: 橙果(深圳)设计顾问有限公司




Shenzhen, as the convergence point of fashion metropolis, presents different fashion shows every year. The so-called fashion is the combination of fashion and fashion. The so-called time is time, the present, that is, in a period of time; Shang, there is noble and noble, high grade, leading.

Living room to create art space, light wood floor, black and white background wall, in the minimalist rigid framework of modernism, put bright color blocks to brighten the space.

客厅打造艺术空间,浅色的木地板、黑白色的背景,在现代主义的极简硬装框架中,置入明艳的色块提亮空间,光和影在错乱的地毯上作暖色调、整个画面油画般的质感,鲜明悦目。 Living room to create art space, light wood floor, black and white background wall, in the minimalist rigid framework of modernism, put bright color blocks to brighten the space.

Black and white and bright orange collocation, huge contrast, forming a strong visual impression, and the fresh light grey tone will warm collision back to a balanced and comfortable situation.

黑白与鲜艳的橘色搭配,巨大的反差性,形成强烈的视觉印象,而清新的浅灰色调将热烈的碰撞拉回到平衡舒适的境地,简约的空间愈加显得时尚年轻且充满活力,细节处的软装搭配,体现出个性化的情趣,淋漓尽致的刻画出空间多面向的层次美感。 Black and white and bright orange collocation, huge contrast, forming a strong visual impression, and the fresh light grey tone will warm collision back to a balanced and comfortable situation.

The light and warm color of rice, the gray tone temperament, the furniture of modern sense, the rules and irregularities of dots, lines and surfaces, in the inclined sunshine, there is a tacit understanding and interactive relationship brewing between them, so that those who are in it can get warm and comfortable sensory experience.

米色调的轻暖,灰色调的气质,现代感的家具,点、线、面的规则与不规则,在倾斜的阳光下,有一种默契和互动关系在其间酝酿,让置身于其中的人得到温馨而舒适的感官体验。 The light and warm color of rice, the gray tone temperament, the furniture of modern sense, the rules and irregularities of dots, lines and surfaces, in the inclined sunshine, there is a tacit understanding and interactive relationship brewing between them, so that those who are in it can get warm and comfortable sensory experience.

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