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30795 2018-12-27T17:39:06 27 [精品]
设计师: 马侠华 ( 深圳市肯本特艺术装饰工程有限公司 )


YUY Hotel

在本案酒店的设计中,【KINGBIRD肯本特】以讲述潮州广济桥的鉎牛故事为主线,以“牛”作为酒店主形象,赋予潮州“牛”全新艺术形象,这里汇聚各种形态可掬的趣致牛造型,牛贯穿于整个酒店的空间设计当中。例如:思考牛、行走牛、悬挂牛… 潮州御酒店用“非物质文化艺术”与“生态思维”的整体思想方法,将设计原则归纳为生态性原则,人性化原则和文化性原则。打造成中国第一个“博物馆式人文酒店”。酒店各处,随处可见精巧的戏剧元素器物以及张贴的戏剧人物画像,使得“戏剧感”深入了【御酒店YUY HOTEL】的肌理与内涵之中,使酒店真正成为了一个“戏剧化博物馆”。


  In the design of the hotel, KINGBIRD Design is mainly about the story of the iron buffalo in Chaozhou Guangji Bridge. They uses the buffalo as the main image of the hotel and gives Chaozhou a new image of “buffalo”. There are various shapes of buffalo styling here, and buffaloes runs through the design of the entire hotel, such as: thinking buffalo, walking buffalo, hanging buffalo... Chaozhou YUY Hotel uses the overall thinking method of “intangible culture and art” and “ecological thinking” to classify design principles into ecological principles, humanization principles and cultural principles, and has created Chinese first “museum-style humanities hotel” . In the whole hotel, the exquisite drama elements and the portraits of the drama characters are displayed everywhere, which makes the “drama sense” deep into the texture and connotation of [YUY HOTEL], making the hotel truly a “dramatic museum”.

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  • 马侠华 (深圳市肯本特艺术装饰工程有限公司)
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