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10950 2018-12-26T11:58:21 12 [精品]
设计机构: 深圳雯华设计顾问有限公司

太原紫藤公馆地处太原市晋阳街,三横六纵交通路网畅达全城。作为城市作为城市发展的新标杆地,太原紫藤公馆,整体建筑室内设计将现代审美品味融汇于其中,打造兼具智慧与美学的标志性项目。空间是画布,生活是色彩。太原紫藤公馆设计理念来自于色彩为生活在平凡之中创造美好。内部装饰皆采用明亮和色彩斑斓的内装充分展现了风趣但不儿戏,好玩但很睿智。从常见平凡的东西中提炼两点,并创造出一种意想不到:怪异,顽皮又充满意义。人在空间穿行的路径产生色彩美学与空间的艺术视觉牵引出孩童快乐的感觉交织,形成一种氛围感。由入口作为起点,大型雕塑“Hopebird”一路引领客人进入一个别具特色的空间,每一个空间的停留都充满趣味。由入口进入接待区,”Hopebird“再次敬礼,入口右侧的Nemo Chair,造型独特,展示人脸的形象。既抽象又贴近大众,并呈现一种神秘的美丽。随着风景长廊继续探索,更为广阔的沙盘区,大型半圆吊灯与球型装饰交相辉映,浑然一体,让整个空间生动活泼。进入浅谈区淡雅的色调凸显出签约区的热闹与开阔。深谈区的大型墙面线装置色彩斑斓,为整个空间平添趣味,让人流连忘返。太原紫藤公馆作为太原市标杆地的标志性项目,其独特之处,必引领时代风潮。

 Taiyuan Wisteria Mansion is located in Jinyang Street, Taiyuan City, with three horizontal and six vertical transportation networks reaching the whole city. As a new benchmark for urban development, Taiyuan Wisteria Mansion has integrated modern aesthetic taste into its overall architectural interior design to create a landmark project with both wisdom and aesthetics. Space is canvas, life is color. The design concept of Taiyuan Wisteria Mansion comes from color to create a beautiful life in the ordinary. The interior decoration adopts bright and colorful interior decoration, which fully shows humor but not playfulness, fun but wisdom. Two points are extracted from common and ordinary things and an unexpected is created: weird, naughty and full of meaning. People's path through the space produces color aesthetics and artistic vision  of the space, which interweave children's happy feeling and form a sense of atmosphere. Starting from the entrance, the large sculpture " Hopebird" leads the guests all the way into a unique space, each space is full of fun. Enter the reception area from the entrance, " Hopebird" salutes again. Nemo Chair on the right side of the entrance has a unique shape and shows the face image. It is abstract and close to the public, and presents a mysterious beauty. As the scenic promenade continues to explore, the larger sand table area, the large semicircular chandelier and the ball-shaped decoration reflect each other and are integrated, making the whole space lively and lively. Entering the simple and elegant tone of the area highlights the lively and open nature of the signing area. The large-scale wall line installation in Shentan District is colorful, adding interest to the whole space and making people forget to return. As a landmark project in Taiyuan's benchmark land, Taiyuan wisteria mansion will lead the trend of the times in its uniqueness.

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