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ZPD 臻品空间设计(深圳):康桥·香溪郡三五号院

29543 2018-08-29T10:55:38 38 [精品]
设计机构: 深圳市臻品设计顾问有限公司
ZPD 臻品空间设计(深圳):康桥·香溪郡三五号院说明:
项目名称:康桥·香溪郡三五号院 PROJECT:Kang Qiao Group · Fragrant Town, Court 3 and 5. 设计面积:117㎡ AREA:117㎡ 设计用材:茶镜、磨砂玻璃、浅咖网石材、爵士白、黄钛拉丝不锈钢、皮革等 MATERIAL:Tea mirror, ground glass, stone in light coffee net, jazz white stone, drawing stainless steel, leather etc. 项目时间:2018年 TIME:2018 项目地点:郑州 ADRESS:Zhengzhou City, Henan province, China. 开发商:康桥地产 COOPERATIVE:KANG QIAO GROUP 设计机构:深圳市臻品设计顾问有限公司(简称“臻品空间设计”) INTERIOR DESIGN FIRM:ZP DESIGN 陈设软装:深圳市臻品设计顾问有限公司(简称“臻品空间设计”) DECORATIVE DESIGN FIRM:ZP DESIGN
/ 客厅 /

  / 客厅 /


Pure but not simple, is always the ultimate pursuit in the design. The design scheme of this house, while paying attention to the smoothness and smoothness of space moving lines, pays attention to the sense of space form. Through the constant perception of existing things, it gives space new inspiration and remodeling, and brings another living experience to the space users.

 / 餐厅 /

简约而不简单,一直是设计中的终极追求,本户型的设计方案,在讲究空间动线流畅及向光性的同时,注重空间形式感,通过对存在事物不断的感知,赋予空间新的灵感重塑,给空间使用者带来另一番人居体验。 Pure but not simple, is always the ultimate pursuit in the design. The design scheme of this house, while paying attention to the smoothness and smoothness of space moving lines, pays attention to the sense of space form. Through the constant perception of existing things, it gives space new inspiration and remodeling, and brings another living experience to the space users.  / 餐厅 /

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