设计理念 :简繁-- 最简 最繁
灵感来源 :回到家那一刻的宁静
本案例现代简约风格,面积400平顶层复式,色彩运用原木,黑、白、灰相互搭配。材质上用石材 橡木,文化石 , 黑钢 让浓重的气息注入古朴的一丝清晰,结合国际潮流,吸收了台式因素,形成了独具一格的风格特色,简单而有品味的人家。
客厅入户到各个空间:现代原木色系,隔断上线条有力,别具风格,从务实出发,切忌盲目跟风而不考虑其 他的因素。简约的背后也体现一种现代“消费观”。即注重生活品位、注重健康时尚、注重合理节约科学消费。 用很少的装饰营造出美的家居环境,简化室内装饰要素,可使人视觉开阔,让空间中的重点之处富有活力。简约 主义所代表的思维似乎是包涵一些永恒的价值观,如对材料的尊重,细部的精准及简化繁杂的设计元素。线条利 落简洁、材质更多样化。每一物件都强调相对与人的机理功能学和贮物使用合理性,显示设计者细致入微的生活 观察能力和纯熟的设计应用能力。
Design philosophy: simple and complicated - simplest and most complicated
Source of inspiration: the quiet moment of returning home
This case is modern simple style, the area of 400 flat top layer, the color USES log, black, white, gray to match. Materials are made of stone oak, cultural stone, black steelLet the thick breath inject the simplicity of the simplicity, combine the international trend, absorb the desktop factor, formed the unique style characteristic, simple and tasteful family.
The living room enters the room into each space: the modern log color system, partition the line is powerful, do not have the style, from the practical departure, must avoid blindly follow the wind and do not consider itHis factor. It also reflects a modern "consumption view". Namely attention to life grade, pay attention to healthy fashion, pay attention to reasonable economy science consumption. Use very few adornment to build beautiful home environment, simplify interior decoration element, can make a person vision is open, let the key place of the space is full of vigor. contracted The thought represented by doctrine seems to include some timeless values, such as respect for materials, precise details and simplified design elements. Line,It is more concise and more diversified. Each object emphasizes the rationality of relative and human mechanism function and the use of storage, showing the designer's meticulous life Ability to observe and develop the ability to design.
Simple, simple, elegant, simple use white, grey, coffee, wood color, black wait for the furniture with contracted classical style, very perfect illuminate a new generation young people's love.