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深圳市原筑室内设计 郑州悦府海棠 售楼处样板房

4178 2015-03-19T17:42:31 9 [精品]
设计机构: 深圳市原筑室内设计有限公司
深圳市原筑室内设计 郑州悦府海棠 售楼处样板房说明:





Perfectly natural creation , to get people to emulate nature, can not go beyond , also seeking with integration. Architecture relying on natural balance between architecture and nature . Hyatt House Begonia sales exhibition center located in Zhengzhou New District , ranked Lake, adjacent to the airport, sitting convenient transportation.

Hyatt House Begonia case is the sales department , wide open Lang stack architecture by designer grown into a highly creative sales space . Walk through the rooms in the house through a large area of floor to ceiling glass walls , feel the unique combination of internal and external environment integration, lighting and water features , like a Seiko art, always exudes seductive art.

We have the best way to allocate internal landscape spatial planning , when a person enters the room, dignified, stable , simple sight structure immediately flow into our sensory organs . To the natural landscape , the case theme fusion elements with too little space , every law-abiding, combining white ceiling , light gray stone floor , delicate wood turning , material , shape , changes are integrate in space allowing viewers to feel the intentions of the design flow line to the outdoor landscape and interior feel in harmony as one.

Nature and Lake, forming an intimate combination of flowing space , landscape guided sight, forming melt into distant Hyatt House King Begonia unique perception.

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