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Han Tower | Hang, China

5586 2014-11-17T13:59:42 4
设计师: 彭裕仁
Han Tower | Hang, China说明:

HAN TOWER is located in Hangzhou, in a strategic position, in the intersection between the Shing Road and the Jiang Hui Road. The surrounding area has a large commercial clusters, banks, Hangzhou Science and Technology Museum, and many other high-end properties, leisure spaces, entertainment mall, education and medical facilities, financial buildings.


The building has been renovated following the idea of outstanding, modern and innovative design.


In order to provide places which are pleasurable to walk and to work in, we have devised a materials and lighting strategy. Providing natural light, air and nature feeling to each space, we guarantee an atmosphere of comfort. Each area has his own natural and artificial light source which together keep the space illuminated without the dazzling effect.


The combination between lights and materials reflection provides a natural and pleasant environment, inspired by natures warm colors and tones. This methodology is also used for the biggest spaces, for example the entrance, allowing us to position these large volume, which acts as a massive deep wall, but in the same time controlling light, shadow and shade.

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