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Aura nightclub

20776 2012-11-14T14:47:23 0 [精品]
设计师: Anton
Aura nightclub说明:

Aura Light and Sound Suites is a nightclub and event space in the East Meadow section of Long
Island [NY], conceived to indulge the senses with plush interiors, state-of-the-art lighting, and
crystalline sound.

The venue is conceived as a vibrating space that is as fluid and mobile as light and sound… 
interfering in ripples, waves, swells. Surfaces of light undulate and push, soft walls lift and reveal… 
all is ephemeral and light… momentary.

The space is layered with a series of vertical planes progressively rising as they approach the
center of the room. As these reverberating surfaces rise and float, they reveal a slanted lighting
grid that clarifies their materiality of chocolate brown vinyl and their edges outlined with a deep
red vinyl.  Beyond the innermost winding surface is an arrangement of undulating chromed
panels and LED mesh screens playing and amplifying video signals and the vibe beneath. These
panels are hanging from the ceiling and seem to be precarious.
The space is structured on two main levels and is fitted with three bars, one of which is free-
standing at the lower level. If all the design systems from above are surface-like, all that is on the
ground has a linear essence. Walnut rods line the bars and structure the tables by the
banquettes, and are organized in a random arrangement.

This space offers no straight profiles, just as no living being does.


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