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The Lighthouse 65

6945 2012-11-12T15:06:49 0 [精品]
设计师: Andy
The Lighthouse 65说明:

The Lighthouse is a beachfront property on the south coast of England. It is a super insulated, luxury
3 bedroom house sitting in a beautiful water side location enjoying stunning views of the Solent and
the Isle of Wight.

The site is enclosed between two neighbouring buildings and a 7m high embankment to the north
of which pavement and street access sits at the top. This access, to the roof level of the property,
and the one-directional view over the beach, English Channel and Isle of Wight to the south, has led
to an interesting design which takes inspiration from traditional beach pavilions such as the De La
Warr in Bexhill a little further along the coast.

The design concept was to maximize the buildings width, so every key room enjoys expansive views
of the vista. All bathrooms and utility spaces run at the rear of the property, allowing the view to be
continuous for all living spaces. The house sits 7 metres below road level with the roof acting as a
parking deck for 3 cars. Visually the roof and floor decks are hung from the central concrete core,
terminating in large cantilevers that provide shade and open-air shelter to the ground floor.

Balconies and outdoor accommodation are provided by horizontal planes carefully cantilevered from
a central access tower which penetrates the roof plane atop of which sits a frameless glass
enclosure providing access and acting as a lighthouse. Lighting within this enclosure is triggered by a
barometer providing instantaneous information to the beach and sea beyond.  This illuminated glass
cube sits on top of the concrete stair core. At night the lit glass glows to indicate local weather
conditions: green when weather is fair and red when atmospheric pressure drops, warning passing
yachtsmen of possible stormy conditions.


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