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137851 2012-03-29T03:25:10 10
设计机构: DDG多元共生设计事务所

項目地址:中國·西安A、与同类竞争性物业相比,作品独有的设计策划、市场定位: 本案的設計注重中國文化的傳承與國際性風格接軌。B、与同类竞争性物业相比,作品在环境风格上的设计创新点: 如同棋子的對弈,相互平衡、相互制約、相互轉化,並不斷地根據功能形式的改變而變化,產生更多的包容性、可變性及可調節性。C、与同类竞争性物业相比,作品在空间布局上的设计创新点: 空間設計上打破原有的開敞或幽長的常規設計形式,更多以國際性的風格為主調,在層次細節上運用得更具內涵與深度。D、与同类竞争性物业相比,作品在设计选材上的设计创新点: 黑海石、羅曼金石、纖維板、木紋防火板、工藝玻璃。E、与同类竞争性物业相比,作品在投入运营后的出众经营效果: 設計集中把握“科學、合理、以人為本”的經營娛樂場所的核心理念上,並深層次挖掘消費者的心理行為、消費流程,以推動會所經營運轉,獲得盈利的同時使消費者提升對品牌文化的認同感。Address: China, Xi!anBuilding area: 3000square metersProject investment:6200000yuanA, and competitive properties compared to the unique works of design, planning, market positioning: This design focus on Chinese culture and international conform style.B, and the competitive property compared, works in the environment on the style design innovation : like the chess game, balance each other, interaction, mutual transformation, and constantly according to the functional form of the changes, resulting in more inclusive, changeable and adjustable.C, and the competitive property compared, works in the spatial layout design innovation: space design to break the original open or long form of more conventional design, with the international style, the level of detail on the use of more content and depth.D, and competitive properties compared to works in the design, selection of design innovation: the black stone, Roman inscriptions, fiberboard, wood fire board, craft glass.E, and competitive properties compared to work in, put into operation after the outstanding operating results: centralized master "science, reasonable design, people-oriented" business entertainment !s core philosophy, and deep mining of consumer behavior, consumption process, in order to promote the club business operation, profit also makes the consumer promotion on brand culture identity.

免责声明:A963设计网作品由网站注册会员发表,本网站对其作品的版权未作证实,对作品的原创性、真实性不作保证,也不承担由此产生的法律责任。未经本网站及作者授权,请勿转载。如对作品版权有疑议,请及时与我们电话联系:0755-83869208 QQ:4000168963
  • DDG多元共生设计事务所
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