作品分类 > 室内设计 > 住宅空间 > 别墅豪宅 > DDG多元共生设计事务所作品
项目内容:室内设计,家具,布艺,灯饰,艺术品陈列设计与配置项目面积:660平方米项目地址:中国·西安设计说明:本项目采用现代欧式手法进行设计,设计中引入Private Resort生活方式.Resort代表的是一种国际风尚,是一种度假休闲的建筑形态,更注重从环境、设施等方面为主人提供全方位的生活体验。其居住以外的功能已远远超越别墅的内涵。在材质的运用及搭配上进行了创新,使得现代居家的空间在保持其原有的简约欧派基调上亦不失奢华感,打破了人们对现代风格的定向认识。淡金色墙纸营造出整体温馨居家的氛围;水银镜饰面及银箔贴面家具的运用为空间添加了现代时尚的气息。Address: China Shaanxi Xi!an
Contents of project: interior design, furniture, cloth art, lighting, display design and configuration
Project area: 660square meters
Design Description: this project adopts modern European practices for the design, design of the introduction of Private Resort lifestyle.Resort represents an international fashion, is a resort of architectural form, pay more attention to environmental, facilities for owners to provide a full range of life experience. The living outside of the function has been far beyond the meaning of villa. In the use of materials and match on the innovation, so that the modern home space while maintaining its original simple Optima tone also does not lose sense of luxury, breaking people on modern style orientation recognition. Pale gold wallpaper create overall warm home atmosphere; mercury mirror surface and silver foil veneer furniture used for space added to the atmosphere of modern fashion.
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