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零一定律空間|安徽•池洲院子 隱於山水庭院

8025 2022-08-23T11:40:49 21 [佳作]
设计机构: 深圳市零一定律空间设计有限公司
零一定律空間|安徽•池洲院子 隱於山水庭院说明:

一談到傳統文化並不單單只是傳承,而是着眼於古今的融合、相接,迴歸生活的本質與純美。本案以池州自然山水意境爲核心,將東方美學隱喻的表現手法融入其中去表達自然之美,以藝術的表現形式,將東方美學與自然之境引入院內,使傳統與現代於此相映。 When it comes to traditional culture, it is not just about inheritance, but about the integration and connection of ancient and modern, and returning to the essence and pure beauty of life. This case takes the natural landscape artistic conception of Chizhou as the core, integrates the expression technique of Oriental aesthetic metaphor into it to express the beauty of nature, and introduces the Oriental aesthetics and the natural environment into the hospital in the form of artistic


安徽池州,中國第一個國家生態經濟示範區,擁有衆多生態旅遊區,承載着豐富的自然景觀文化,也見證着歷史的變遷。將古今貫通於同一空間,注重空間 複合性與邏輯性,順着鏡、靈、土、石、水的場景節奏,植入東方山水之境。 Chizhou, Anhui Province, China's first national ecological economic demonstration zone, has many ecological tourism areas, bearing rich natural landscape culture, but also witness the historical changes. The ancient and modern are connected in the same space, paying attention to the complexity and logic of the space, along with the scene rhythm of mirror, spirit, earth, stone and water, implanted into the landscape of the East.

expression, so that the tradition and the modern are reflected here. 






Project Information


Name | Anhui· Chi Chau courtyard

項目地址|中國 安徽     

Location | China,Anhui


Area | 880㎡


Client |Dragon's group

完成時間| 2022.8.10

Completion |2022.8.10


Leading Designer | Zhang chengxi/first law

設計助理|劉力暢、劉雪梅 等/FirstLaw零一定律

Assistant Designer | Liu Lichang, Liu Xuemei, et Al./First Law


Photographer | Hua Bin Architectural Space photography


Leisure and elegant taste, since ancient times for the love of literati, tea is one of them. Anhui since ancient times good tea fell out, pay attention to tea happiness, tea hospitality. A good pot of tea, a few good friends, talk about it, brush the ink. Up to now, modern people like tea as much as the ancients, refined life is fully reflected.

閒情雅趣,自古爲文人墨客所鍾愛,品茶則爲其中一項。安徽自古好茶跌出,講究以茶怡情,以茶待客。一壺好茶,三五好友,坐而論道,對墨揮毫。到如今,現代人對茶的喜愛程度不亞於古人,雅緻生活盡數體現。 Leisure and elegant taste, since ancient times for the love of literati, tea is one of them. Anhui since ancient times good tea fell out, pay attention to tea happiness, tea hospitality. A good pot of tea, a few good friends, talk about it, brush the ink. Up to now, modern people like tea as much as the ancients, refined life is fully reflected.

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