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深圳卓悦中心One Avenue

8684 2019-12-16T16:49:10 25
设计师: 杨志伟 ( 深圳市环亚联合设计有限公司 )
深圳卓悦中心One Avenue说明:

本案的设计主题为“pick me”,结合艺术装置、人文体验、科技集市、童趣空间等元素,打造出符合年轻人品味的,集潮流性与话题性一体的艺术空间。

The design theme of this case is "pick me". Combined with the elements of art installation, cultural experience, science and technology fair, children's interest space, etc., it creates an art space which is in line with the taste of young people and integrates the trend and topic.



Each floor realizes the whole scene design, and the public space is visually packaged from the escalator. At the same time, the artistic atmosphere and interactive experience of the whole shopping mall space are strengthened through novel and interesting interactive devices.



The main tone of the whole shopping mall is simple and bright white, so the designer considered adding a large number of high saturation colors at the beginning of the design to mobilize the liveliness of the space and deepen the visual impact. This is to convey the idea that sometimes life is a mess, but you still need to see the light in it.



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  • 杨志伟 (深圳市环亚联合设计有限公司)
  • 广东-深圳
  • 需要优质装修设计服务吗? 委托设计

