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迪尚设计2020异地项目(二) | Legend

3453 2020-10-10T14:33:50 12
设计师: 张君
迪尚设计2020异地项目(二) | Legend说明:
The Material: we selected marble, velvet, metal elements, wood veneer, wood fence, etc, which were simple and full of texture. Through ingenious mix and match of them to reveal the resident's pursuit of exquisite life in tracelessly.

材质上:选用大理石、丝绒、金属元素、木饰面、木栅栏等,简洁且富有质感,通过巧妙的混搭和组合,不着痕迹的透露出居住者对精致生活的追求。 The Material: we selected marble, velvet, metal elements, wood veneer, wood fence, etc, which were simple and full of texture. Through ingenious mix and match of them to reveal the resident's pursuit of exquisite life in tracelessly.

Out of the previous design method, the sofa background wall, which was composed of charcoal gray wooden bars and CAFÉ AU LAIT wood veneers,  was properly applied to the living room to enhance the level sense of space and create a luxurious feeling in simplicity.

跳出以往的设计方式,炭灰色的木珊栏与奶咖色木饰面组合而成的沙发背景墙,恰到好处的运用到客厅中,增强空间的层次感,在简单中营造奢华的感受。 Out of the previous design method, the sofa background wall, which was composed of charcoal gray wooden bars and CAFÉ AU LAIT wood veneers, was properly applied to the living room to enhance the level sense of space and create a luxurious feeling in simplicity.

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