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迪尚设计2020年异地项目 | Landscape

12964 2020-09-23T12:14:57 14 [佳作]
设计师: 张君
迪尚设计2020年异地项目 | Landscape说明:


项目面积:298 ㎡





The combination of log amd marble, they were attacting new ideas to tradi-tion and adding temperament to modern. The linear elements, which were full of Italian cla-ssical temperament were all over the house. All the line was clear and smooth.  On the basi-s of keeping the elegance of classical Italian style, the details and the soft, we starting from the essence of life to deduces the most essential modern luxury aesthetics with minimalist design.

原木与大理石的穿插组合,为传统附上新意,为现代增添气质。彰显意式经典气质的直线条元素遍布整屋,设计线条清晰流畅,在保留经典意式的优雅以及细节、软包的极致感的基础上,从生活的本质出发,去繁从简,以极简的设计演绎着最本质的现代轻奢美学。 The combination of log amd marble, they were attacting new ideas to tradi-tion and adding temperament to modern. The linear elements, which were full of Italian cla-ssical temperament were all over the house. All the line was clear and smooth. On the basi-s of keeping the elegance of classical Italian style, the details and the soft, we starting from the essence of life to deduces the most essential modern luxury aesthetics with minimalist design.

餐厅 / Dinning room

餐厅 / Dinning room

In terms of color and material, the dinning room was consistented with the living room.  The clear and smooth lines, the gold wall decorations, the velvet dining chairs, the marble island platform and the unique chandeliers, were merged in one space, classical elements but modern interpretation. The space was clean and tidy, simple but fashion, low-key but elegance.

餐厅在色调和选材上与客厅保持一致。清晰流畅的线条、金色墙上挂饰、丝绒餐椅,大理石岛台和造型独特的吊灯,经典元素,现代演绎,空间素净整洁,简约而不失时尚、低调而不失优雅。 In terms of color and material, the dinning room was consistented with the living room. The clear and smooth lines, the gold wall decorations, the velvet dining chairs, the marble island platform and the unique chandeliers, were merged in one space, classical elements but modern interpretation. The space was clean and tidy, simple but fashion, low-key but elegance.

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