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10752 2019-12-18T14:46:46 17 [精品]
设计机构: 深圳市泛思特装饰工程有限公司


Bohai Yard follows the Northern style of quadrangle dwellings, inheriting the special characteristic of traditional Chinese housings so as to rebuild the cultural sequence of “Triple Etiquette Nine Courtyards”.  Its interior design continues the keynote of courtyard life with middle-axle as the imperial road, triple entrance moving forward layer upon layer, each scene a heartfelt gift.


一进 · 门庭之礼:典雅的中式门庭,彰显端庄名门气质,推开两扇古朴厚重的实木大门,迎着石阶而下,进而迈入一方古韵新雅的天地。

The First Entrance signifies the ceremony of entering the gate. The elegant Chinese-styled gate reveals the dignity of distinguished family. When pushing the two primitive solid wooden doors, walk down the stone stairs to enter a world of ancient charm and elegance.


二进 · 入院之礼:径直往前步入前厅接待区,为第二进,屋顶采用传统穿斗式木构架,因地制宜,巧妙融入原有建筑结构中。入口处设有一扇“月亮门”,透过圆形如月的门洞引入另一侧的景观,一步一景,布移景异,引人探幽。

The Second Entrance is the ceremony of admission. Walk straight forward into the reception area in the front hall whose roof adopts the traditional panel-type wooden frame, according to local conditions, cleverly integrated into the original building structure. A special moon-shaped door is designed at the entrance. From the moon doorway is introduced the landscape of the other side, one step one scene, so that the layout of different scenery is awaiting exploration.


三进 · 会客之礼:穿过古韵清雅的室外廊道,将视线引至徐徐开启的格栅木门,到达销售中心的核心区域,为第三进。木质线条格栅结合通透、温润的黑色大理石,色彩上呼应得当,又起到隔景效果。

The Third Entrance indicates the ceremony of receiving visitors. Pass through the ancient and elegant outdoor corridor and arrive at the grille wooden door, which opens slowly to reach the core area of the sales center. The wooden lines are combined with transparent and warm black marble, which echoes appropriately in color and plays the effect of separating the scene.



The high hall, with renewable material PVC wooden bookshelf high to ceiling, is seemly partitioned into two functional zones along the main axel. The conference zone faces the exterior scenery, viewing the whole courtyard, which itself makes a natural framing scene. The layout of the space is laid with classical Oriental displays such as tea cups, paper scrolls, and hanging pictures. The style of space is upgraded by the hanging crystal lights whose bird-shaped structure is eye-catching above.



 The conference area with ceiling-glass window borrows the outdoor scenery to present a complete courtyard landscape. The natural stones and hills outside are mixed with green plants and murmuring water to create an occasional leisure environment.



The relaxing area is surrounded by book walls. The space adopts the traditional shelf as the prototype for the modern construction technique, which not only produces a rich sense of hierarchy but also displays the ancient books, stone-tools and antiques.



Walking stairs up, the independent reception room is on the second floor. There is tea room for restoring tranquility, whose folding screen builds a semi-private space, presenting an ink painting.


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