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王新时作品 | “鲸见”

2219 2019-12-16T17:27:49 23
设计师: 王新时
王新时作品 | “鲸见”说明:

The VIP negotiation area on the second floor is developed with a central axis layout. The glass bricks are arranged in the space, which ensures the privacy of the space and allows sufficient light to enter the indoor space. The texture is delicate and soft, which also plays the role of decorating the space.

视觉与功能巧妙融合、井然有序,优雅与艺术不期而遇,光影斑驳,恰似自然的馈赠。沙发柔和的触感,在此放松身心,平添一份闲情与雅致。 The VIP negotiation area on the second floor is developed with a central axis layout. The glass bricks are arranged in the space, which ensures the privacy of the space and allows sufficient light to enter the indoor space. The texture is delicate and soft, which also plays the role of decorating the space.


The sea is often magnificent and turbulent, but you are always fascinated by its original calm and quiet; and the whale is a symbol of freedom, pursuit, and uniqueness, symbolizing the endless vitality. The sculpted whale hangs on the whole of the building, hoping to leap over the sea, creating an empty and peaceful space atmosphere.

大海,时常波澜壮阔,惊涛骇浪,你却总对它最初的风平浪静、寂静沉郁着迷,而鲸是自由的,富有追求的、独一无二的象征,暗示着生生不息的生命力塑鲸悬之于上,欲跃海而鸣,营造出一种空明宁静的空间氛围。 The sea is often magnificent and turbulent, but you are always fascinated by its original calm and quiet; and the whale is a symbol of freedom, pursuit, and uniqueness, symbolizing the endless vitality. The sculpted whale hangs on the whole of the building, hoping to leap over the sea, creating an empty and peaceful space atmosphere.

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