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8850 2018-11-30T17:41:34 10
设计机构: 深圳市盛朗艺术设计有限公司

中国天谷展示中心 设计说明








                     The China Tiangu Exhibition Center Design Description

"Future, mobility, elegance" is the designer's pursuit of Tiangu marketing center space.

        The entire space, using a large area of color, smooth curves, gradual changes of hollow light, from point to line to the surface vividly expresses the future flow of space, the dynamics of change and the decomposition of structure run through every corner of the marketing center .

       At the entrance of the center, the U-shaped glass curtain wall on the upper floor reveals the softness of the enamel, and the wood color of the negotiation area gives a kind and intimate family atmosphere. The hollow light is like a piece of plum, and it looks like a starry sky, vivid and romantic. The flowing light seems to have come to the future world. The sandbox in the shape of the spacecraft fully reflects the elements of the future. The ball-shaped robot at the door is firmly grasping the hot topic of the current artificial intelligence AI.

       Designers boldly use space and skillfully use the principles of collection. The smooth lines make the space full of flow. This is the most ambitious and complete expression of the designer's pursuit of mobile space.



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