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13397 2018-11-03T11:25:01 35 [推荐]
设计机构: 深圳市臻品设计顾问有限公司


PROJECT:The West Lake In Spring


ADDRESS:Xu Chang City, Henan Province, China.





臨水而居 | 西湖春天府邸

All things have intelligence, a grass and a wood to create a natural charming scenery, one brick one tile construction warm house.This case -- west lake spring yangpai residence, the location of people's cultural and historical vein belonging to the place -- -- xu chang, southern luming lake, north of hibiscus lake, west neighboring yumahe thousands of acres of ecological green corridor, near the water and habitat environmental characteristics, give this room like water tenderness and spirit.

臨水而居 | 西湖春天府邸 萬物皆有靈性,一草一木造就自然的旖旎風光,一磚一瓦構築溫情的住宅。 本案——西湖春天洋派住宅,坐落于歷史文化名城許昌,南朝鹿鳴湖,北擁芙蓉湖,西鄰飲馬河千畝生態綠色長廊,山水作伴隱於市,臨水而居的環境特性,賦予本案居室似水的柔情與靈氣。 All things have intelligence, a grass and a wood to create a natural charming scenery, one brick one tile construction warm house.This case -- west lake spring yangpai residence, the location of people's cultural and historical vein belonging to the place -- -- xu chang, southern luming lake, north of hibiscus lake, west neighboring yumahe thousands of acres of ecological green corridor, near the water and habitat environmental characteristics, give this room like water tenderness and spirit.


The brick tile is drawn on the shape of the house, stand in the open air of empty house, in front of the building is only for people to look at the space box, had the person to live, the house has the life, the bedroom also has the human world firework gas accordingly.The design endows the space soul, but the design conception to the space cannot be separated from the human existence, makes the soul vivid, is on the table the hot rice aroma and the clash of the unique note.


In the process of this project, the shenzhen apia design team loaded different master roles of the space, so that each region has diversified space missions.Design scheme is built on different use scene, in contemporary and luxurious bedroom, different character characteristic gives a space different fresh individual character, because this creates colorful humanity space.

磚瓦擬就房子的形狀,站在空檔房子的室外,眼前的建築物僅僅是供人觀賞的空間盒子,有了人的居住,房子才有了生命,居室也因此有了人間的煙火氣。設計賦予空間靈魂,但對空間的設計構思不能脫離人的存在,使靈魂生動的,是餐桌上熱騰騰的飯香氣和觥籌交錯的獨特音符。 The brick tile is drawn on the shape of the house, stand in the open air of empty house, in front of the building is only for people to look at the space box, had the person to live, the house has the life, the bedroom also has the human world firework gas accordingly.The design endows the space soul, but the design conception to the space cannot be separated from the human existence, makes the soul vivid, is on the table the hot rice aroma and the clash of the unique note. 深圳臻品設計團隊在本案的空間構思過程中,載入不同的空間主人角色,使得各個區域因此有了多樣的空間使命。設計方案建立在不同的使用場景上,現代奢華的居室中,不一樣的人物特性賦予空間不一樣的鮮活個性,因此造就多彩的人文空間。 In the process of this project, the shenzhen apia design team loaded different master roles of the space, so that each region has diversified space missions.Design scheme is built on different use scene, in contemporary and luxurious bedroom, different character characteristic gives a space different fresh individual character, because this creates colorful humanity space.

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