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15434 2018-09-05T12:40:01 17 [精品]
设计师: 梁桓彬




As a designer, I've been thinking for a long time about how to design different styles of houses for my clients every day.

Designers in the Internet age are generally impatient, less quiet to think about the program, my own home hopes to achieve "concise", "safe" and "peace of mind", but this feeling is difficult to describe, so the quotation of Ming Chen Jiru "Tai Ping Qing Hua" closer to my idea. The channeling time in the oriental culture of Taiping Qinghua: burning incense, testing tea, washing inkstones, drums and pianos, proofreading, Hou Yue, listening to rain, watering flowers, painting, ritual Buddha, rewarding wine, watching mountains, posting, carving bamboo and feeding cranes. The modern Chinese style shows the scene of leisure life of modern scholar bureaucrats.


Design description

作品名称: 《闲云野鹤》

The title of the work is "idle cloud and wild crane"






Design time: 2017.5

Completion time: 2018.8

Project address: Shenzhen, Guangdong

Chief designer: Liang Huanbin, Luo Tianrong

Main materials: Saanna marble, golden Yi ceramic tile, OPPLE lamps, European charm, soft clothing


Yin and Zhang Jiuling's "envy Crane"

There are several cranes in the clouds, but the wings do not violate them. Xiao Tian went to the east to go to the north.

Cheers are good and well placed. Far from the Changjiang River, Gao Xiang is rare


The main idea of this poem is this: several cranes flying freely in the clouds, not against their own will. Fly to the East in the morning and fly back from the islands in the north of the river in the evening. All the cheers were very pleasant, and they nestled together. Stopping far away on the Yangtze River, the river was very quiet, the white crane flew very high, no other bird can compare with it


In Taoism, cranes are the symbol of longevity, so there is a view of cranes, and Taoist ancestors are mostly cranes or deer as a stalk. Cranes follow each other's rules. They walk in a strict way, but do not commit adultery. The ancients used the white crane with a gentleman's wind, and compared their virtues with noble virtues


The Shu monks embrace the Green Qi and the West Emei peak.
Wave for me, like listening to the valley.
Wash the water with your heart and ring the frost bell.
The mountains are dark, and the autumn clouds are dark.

This poem is written to listen to the exquisite skill of a monk playing the piano in Sichuan, and to enlist the spirit of the piano. The first couplet was written by a monk from his hometown Sichuan, expressing his admiration for him; the first couplet was written to play the piano, which was extraordinary compared with the sounds of the thousands of pines of nature; the last couplet was written to clear one's mind and make one feel relaxed and enjoyable; the last couplet was written to concentrate on listening to the piano without knowing the end of the day, reflecting the wonderful sound of the piano. The poem is complete in one breath. It is as lively as clouds and flowing water. Its charm is lively and lively. While praising the beautiful sound of the piano, it also contains the feeling of knowing the sound and the family of the hometown

【鼓琴】 [drums] 蜀僧抱绿绮,西下峨嵋峰。 为我一挥手,如听万壑松。 客心洗流水,馀响入霜钟。 不觉碧山暮,秋云暗几重。 The Shu monks embrace the Green Qi and the West Emei peak. Wave for me, like listening to the valley. Wash the water with your heart and ring the frost bell. The mountains are dark, and the autumn clouds are dark. 此诗写听蜀地一位和尚弹琴技艺之高妙,极写琴声之入神。首联写和尚来自故乡四川,表达对他的倾慕;颔联写弹琴,以大自然的万壑松涛声作比,令人感到琴声之不凡;颈联写琴声荡涤胸怀,使人心旷神怡,回味无穷;尾联写聚精会神听琴,而不知时日将尽,反衬琴声之高妙诱人。全诗一气呵成,势如行云流水,明快畅达,风韵健爽,在赞美琴声美妙的同时,也寓有知音的感慨和对故乡的眷恋。 This poem is written to listen to the exquisite skill of a monk playing the piano in Sichuan, and to enlist the spirit of the piano. The first couplet was written by a monk from his hometown Sichuan, expressing his admiration for him; the first couplet was written to play the piano, which was extraordinary compared with the sounds of the thousands of pines of nature; the last couplet was written to clear one's mind and make one feel relaxed and enjoyable; the last couplet was written to concentrate on listening to the piano without knowing the end of the day, reflecting the wonderful sound of the piano. The poem is complete in one breath. It is as lively as clouds and flowing water. Its charm is lively and lively. While praising the beautiful sound of the piano, it also contains the feeling of knowing the sound and the family of the hometown


In the past, calligraphy and painting often said that people mill ink and ink mill. It is to sharpen the dryness of the temper gradually, and clear the mind and write its own cloud.


【洗砚】 [inkstone] 过去的书画家常说,人磨墨,墨磨人。就是把燥急的性子一点一点地磨下去,心性澄明笔端自有烟云。 In the past, calligraphy and painting often said that people mill ink and ink mill. It is to sharpen the dryness of the temper gradually, and clear the mind and write its own cloud. 《小窗幽记》提醒“清闲之人不可惰其四肢,又须以闲人做闲事”,其中一项便是“洗砚宿墨”, "The Secret Story of a Small Window" reminds "idle people should not be lazy with their limbs, but also with idle people to do business", one of which is "wash inkstones and ink". 地毯选用水墨纹,把中式元素引进。 Carpet uses ink and wash patterns to introduce Chinese elements.

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