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75178 2018-08-06T10:33:44 24 [精品]
设计师: 潘旭强 ( 深圳市尚邦装饰设计工程有限公司 )


Rui Ying Hui is a management center that provides comprehensive medical services such as physical consultation,testing and maintenance for high-end personages. It caters to the unique needs of each customer with humanization, intelligence and specialization, and carefully maintains the health of each customer in a private, elegant, safe and efficient way.


Starting from the function and orientation of the health management center, the designer determines the concept, spatial distribution and concrete design of the management center. The space content of this layer of long cube includes the waiting area, the tea tasting area, the consulting area, the archives area and the detection area, and the secret area and the private area to be divided. While meeting the needs of the different functional areas, a complete and coherent space experience of private supremacy is formed.


According to the location of the health center, it is designed to avoid the direct direction of sunrise and sunset and the sun. With the application of natural light, the whole main hall can still keep bright and transparent under the condition that the main lighting equipment is excluded, and the view of the window is broadened to the greatest extent.


Considering the space environment that the guest is waiting for during the waiting period, it will affect the psychological and physiological state. The carefully designed light collocation and soft selection make the room space play a positive role in the mental state of the customers. In the space, the light colored folding wooden furniture is implanted in the space. It is matched with the wallpaper, making the interior space bright and soft, so that the patient is more comfortable during the consulting and testing.

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  • 潘旭强 (深圳市尚邦装饰设计工程有限公司)
  • 广东-深圳
  • 需要优质装修设计服务吗? 委托设计

