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俏皮的 彼得·潘

4534 2017-07-30T20:33:14 8
设计机构: 深度进化设计研究室
俏皮的 彼得·潘说明:

彩色就像童年的调色盘,梦幻浪漫、永不褪色。彩色,让居室散发娇媚迷人的女人味,营造如梦如幻 的氛围,编织一方快乐天地。 在浅色调背景下,彩色宛如灵动的舞者,用美丽的腰身和轻盈的舞步划出优美的弧线,既平衡了米白 麻布墙面的单调与橡木地板的厚重,又赋予了空间更多活力与女性魅力。打造出一个色调多而不杂的客厅,客厅 造型别致的吊灯,妙趣横生的休闲椅,让空间变得俏皮、青春活力。墙上的挂画十分亮眼,为空间增添优雅女人 味。整个空间如同画家手中的调色盘一般,为客厅添上五颜六色的浪漫笔触。加上别具一格的家具摆件以及饰品 等,都能给居住者带来唯美体验。

Color is like the color palette of childhood, dream and romance, never fade. Color, let the bedroom send out charming and charming feminine flavour, build like a dream

The atmosphere, weaving a happy world.

In the light color background, the color is like a spiritual dancer, with a beautiful waist and light dance moves a graceful arc, balancing the rice white

The drab of linen metope and the thick of oak floor, give the space more vigor and feminine charm. Create a tonal and not mixed living room, living room

The chandelier with chic modelling, the recreational chair that is interesting and interesting, let the space become nifty, youthful vigor. The hanging picture on the wall is very bright eye, add elegant woman for the space

Taste. The whole space is like the color palette of the painter's hand, add colourful romantic brush touch to the sitting room. Add a unique furniture set and accessories

Wait, can bring aesthetic experience to habitant.

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