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Hyper House - 私人别墅

5125 2017-07-30T18:50:34 10
设计机构: 深度进化设计研究室
Hyper House - 私人别墅说明:

Deep Concept 创始人&设计总监 余炆哲(Jason Wen) 于自己的家乡建设私人别墅,以山为筋 以水为脉。建筑的选址在湖畔的小邱竹林下。背后是广阔的田野和零星的小池。设计从建筑与自然的关联入手,利用竹林将建筑隐于小丘之下并以流动的内部空间营造出自然的舒适气质,塑造树、水、人共存的具有感受力的空间。



Jason Wen(The Founder & design director of DeepConcept ),who building a private villa in his hometown, with mountains as veins and water as the pulse. The site of the building is under the small qiu zhu Lin. Behind it were wide fields and scattered small pools. Design from the association of building and nature, the use of bamboo are building hidden under Yu Xiaoqiu and flow of the internal space create a natural and comfortable temperament, shaping, water, tree people co-exist with sensibilities of space.

The building roof adopts clean solar energy collection system, which can supply 80% of the living energy of the whole house, and has excellent insulation effect.

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