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28923 2017-04-18T13:48:28 9 [精品]
设计师: 陈武 ( 深圳市新冶组设计顾问有限公司 )


The Dr·Oscar is the first theatre-style nightclub, which has witnessed the cooperation between Newera Design and Noahsgroup. The spacious space (5000㎡) is the very condition of building a creative stage and audiovisual effect. Thus, it brings a fresh night life style.

Dr·Oscar是新冶组设计首次对剧院灵感夜店的延展。把剧院形式运用到酒吧空间设计之中,将酒吧空间格局与剧院装饰元素结合碰撞出全新的面貌,赋予夜店空间以剧场般恢弘的气势。为单一乏味的夜生活方式注入多元的文化娱乐与审美情趣,满足人们对夜生活无限美好的憧憬。  Dr·Oscar更是将大道具、疯马秀、吊灯秀、蛋糕秀等剧院表演带入了夜场之中。
Newera Design puts elements of theatre, such as heavy properties, Crazy Horse Le Show, droplight show, cake show, etc., into Dr·Oscar. The combination of decoration of theatre and nightclub breaks traditional nightclub style and the imagination of nightclub, which makes Dr.Oscar be unique.

在大厅布局中,设计师大胆废除惯常设计套路,以夸张的风格和色彩鲜艳的美学取向,赋予美以戏剧感,突破传统玩店模式。科技的发展为人们的娱乐方式带来越来越多的选择,也为娱乐空间设计带来更多可能性。 “三维舞台”的设置,颠覆常规三维灯阵概念,200平方米的3D全息投影,实体与虚拟跨空间呈现,带来剧院式的震撼演绎。主舞台背景为双层流星雨视频条矩阵,以结合创意灯光效果和新材料的精巧手法,通过独特的形式感,展现了充满动感和丰富体验性的空间形态,从而力求以全新的建筑语汇对单一的空间做出充满互动的回应。Dr.Oscar的完美呈现,充分展示了新冶组设计在空间布局方面的娴熟把控力和创造力。
  In the lobby, Newera Design not only brings exaggerated style and vivid colour, but also applies new technology on the main stage. Technology provides people more choices than before in daily life as well as entertainment life. With this concept, designers make a 200㎡- Holographic-Laser-Projection and a meteor-shower-likely screen on the main stage. The very stage presents a new space form with its creative lighting effect. Newera Design performs professional design and creative ideas on spatial arrangement.

The conflict of materials and colors is one of the most distinguishing features in the project. Black, white and grey is the keynote of rooms and corridors, then, some highlighted decorative colours make the space more active. However, classical golden and red is the main key of public space. Also conflicts apply in the space: delicate European lamps and heavy curtains; classic marble ground and torn cement paint walls. The differences between materials and texture increase layered structure. Designers then bring top hats, crowns and masks to emphasise the theatre theme.

Dr.Oscar is a brave project of combination of taste and creativity. The new concept challenges traditional entertainment life style and promotes the work to a broad dimensionality.


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  • 陈武 ( 深圳市新冶组设计顾问有限公司 )
  • 广东-深圳
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