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37642 2017-02-10T11:48:03 14 [精品]
设计师: 王冠 ( 深圳市矩阵室内装饰设计有限公司 )


Matrix –Tianjin Zhongchu city Lishu Bay sales center



Project Nature:Sales center


设计面积:   740㎡

Design Area:   740


软装造价:  1800元/平方

Soft Decoration Cost:   ¥1800/㎡



Soft DesignM-CASA


设计时间:  2016 年05 月

Start Time: May,2016


完成时间:  2016年 09 月

Completion Time: September ,2016

设计说明:本案是基于原有旧仓库的改造。我们尊重过去,重现历史,在保留原有仓库的建筑结构之上,引入了具有代表性的木装箱、叉车、企业历史照片墙、以及黑白电视、手提式收录机、拨号电话机、煤油灯等在上世纪中叶的年代记忆。同样这里有Arne Jacobsen的Swan Chair,Hans J. Wegner设计的Shell Chair,Arne Jacobsen设计的Egg Chair。这些经典家私的的再设计,赋予他们不同的质感和体验。我们希望这里不止是营销中心,同时也是历史的陈列馆、是风情的咖啡吧、是恬静的书吧。无论水泥质朴的地面,红色砖墙的印记,还是原有仓库陈放多年的老松木再运用,加以四周时钟悬挂,时间在此凝固,我们可以一起穿越过去,徜徉斑驳的时光和故事。这里,东方与西方相遇,经典与时尚对话,历史与当下碰撞,营造出不一样的空间和格调

Design Description: This project is based on the transformation of the original old warehouse. We respect the history, to reproduce the past, to retains building structure of the original warehouse, we used representative wooden packing, forklift, enterprise history photo wall, black and white TV, portable recorder, dial telephone, kerosene etc. Also here have Swan Chair design by Arne Jacobsen, Shell Chair design by Hans J. Wegner , Egg Chair design by Arne Jacobsen. Redesign of these classic furniture, to give customer different texture and experience. We hope it is more than a sales center, but also the history of the museum, fantasy café bar, silence book store.No matter the plain cement ground, red brick mark, or the original warehouse for old pine reused. To hang around the clock, the time setting in this moment, we can go through the past, wandering around time and story. Here, the East meets the west, the classic and fashion dialogue, history and fashion collision, creating a different space and style.

免责声明:A963设计网作品由网站注册会员发表,本网站对其作品的版权未作证实,对作品的原创性、真实性不作保证,也不承担由此产生的法律责任。未经本网站及作者授权,请勿转载。如对作品版权有疑议,请及时与我们电话联系:0755-83869208 QQ:4000168963
  • 王冠 (深圳市矩阵室内装饰设计有限公司)
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