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65892 2015-12-09T17:16:29 19 [精品]
设计师: 刘冠能


设计师:刘冠能 万时昭

参与设计:黄兴平 李斌


主材:钻石灰大理石、亚马逊大理石、纱丝印画、 樱桃树根木饰面、氟碳漆




营造离开自然又返回自然的情景(Create a natural and return natural scene

项目位于重庆大足龙水湖畔,西南临龙水湖,远眺玉龙山脉,碧水微澜,湖光山色。 我们希望将这种记忆在室内空间得以延伸,在人造的空间里营造出离开自然又返回 自然的情感体验。

The project is located in Chongqing Dazu Dragon Lake water, south-west of the mountains overlooking the Longshui lake, ERON, blue ripples, a landscape of lakes and mountains.We hope that this memory can be extended in the interior space, creating a natural and returned home in the artificial space. Natural emotional experience.

东方智慧与现代空间的自然对话 (Natural dialogue between oriental wisdom and modern space

历代艺术家往往穷其一生的心血去追寻山水的意境,自然与心灵的联系可以在一 张画,一首诗,一个庭院,甚至一个盆景中呈现,我们将当地自然山水元素和大足 石刻文化与当代审美情趣相结合,只待观者在体验中找到与之灵犀相通的入口, 发现心中的一片山水。

Artists in the past often poor their life to pursue the artistic conception of the landscape, nature and the heart of the linkIn a painting, a poem, a courtyard, and even a bonsai, we will be the local natural landscape elementsAnd the Dazu stone carving culture and contemporary aesthetic combination, only to find the viewer is communicated with the consonance in experienceEntrance, found in the hearts of a landscape.

以山水之名让空间富有生命 (In the name of the landscape to make space rich life

当人们期望用各种技术手段去彰显权力和资本的时候,我们希望空间呈现的是一种 独特的人与自然和谐共生的精神境界。在项目中,我们通过运用山、水、树、云, 青苔、鱼等有生命的元素和观者对话,它们需要照顾,它们正在成长,她是有生命的。

When people expect to use a variety of technical means to highlight the power and capital, we hope that the space is a kind ofUnique person and natural harmonious coexistence of spiritual realm. In the project, we use the mountain, water, trees, clouds,Moss, fish and other elements of life and the audience dialogue, they need to take care of, they are growing up, she is alive.

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