1) 根据项目实际状况,项目规划用地面积为34800㎡,原有建筑面积约为11983㎡,根据项目控规指标,项目计算容积率面积约为18800㎡。
2) 根据最新规划设计方案,项目将拆除部分建筑,并根据项目实际需要新建部分建筑作为酒店经营配套用房,计划拆除面积约770㎡;计划新建公建面积约7594㎡,地下设备用房面积约为1156㎡,地下车库面积为2864㎡;调整后建筑总面积为22827㎡,计算容积率面积为18807㎡。
It’s a luxurious hotel design following the European classic style. The large numbers of luxurious hotels hidden in special countries with beautiful scenery are fabulous historic treasures that offer you real experience. Through the downtown you will find un-decorated natural gardens, ancient buildings and hotels with quiet, free, harmonious and warm living atmosphere.
Special public zones and romantic bedrooms combine various European interior design styles, sleek、elegant and exquisite European style, as well as heavy, gorgeous luxurious style with modern atmosphere in middle ages. Styles varies from different scales in each bedrooms. We have special facilities for luxury hotels such as mini-bar, dining hall, lobby and balcony, etc. Some rooms lead to arbors covered with wisterias. Gardens and manors with naturalism, fountains and pools bring you the freedom, comfort and romance that you will never experience in five-star hotels. Walking on the boulevard, you will be surrounded by the quiet, elegant and charming atmosphere in this amazing place. Antiques, paintings, original works and china collections as well as well-decorated public zone and private area are a great attraction to the exhausted travelers who are eager to a cup of tea, a glass of wine or sitting in the arbor reading peacefully. In spring, the wind brings bitter smell of lilacs; in summer, we can smell the tuberose around; in autumn, magnolia decorates the old buildings, red maple leaves paint the lawn, the smell of wild grapes will flow into the rooms. This is a lovely hotel for you to experience royalty, comfort, freedom and romance. This is our designing suggestions for the proposal. After the hotel funded, it feels like going through times and back to ages when visiting and living in such kind of luxury hotels, where you can enjoy all the elegance, warm and luxury ever.
10号楼客厅公共部分与卫生间 进入10#室内,给人的总体印象是温馨、精美与典雅。浮雕墙面运用黄金分割处理,古朴、厚重的家私与象牙白墙面相得益彰,灯具与配饰环境均为新古典表现手法明快大方、流畅,上演着一场视觉盛宴! Foyer Entering the 10# room, we can get a warm, fabulous and elegant general impression. The walls are handled by golden-cutting method. Old heavy furnitures complement well with each other. And so do the light and the decorations. Another Foyer: 玄关的另一个角度,浅色欧式线条,墙面做旧古典家俬,及桐油抛光旧木地板,老旧的波斯地毯,历久弥新,古典透着现代。 We have light color walls, classic furnitures and flourished floor. Old Persian carpet still looks brand new. Fashion reflects in classic. 餐厅的风格也是运用典型的新古典风格,古朴又不失典雅,几何形的线条唯美大气,又还原了原建筑的原貌。 We adapted typical new classic style to the dining halls. Ancient but still elegant. They look grand and gorgeous with geometry shape and reversed original appearance of the buildings. Public Space 公共空间 公共空间从设计手法上考虑房间的前奏也是脸面,根据建筑外观的特征设计简洁温馨。色彩总体为淡黄色,灯光的效果下,舒适、温馨,有如宾至如归感。暖暖的一杯美酒、一本好书,这就是行者的归宿、港湾。 From the designing perspective, the front view best reflects the buildings. The design follows the rule of simple and warm according to the buildings’ features. The mainly color is light yellow. The guests will feel comfort, sweet and just like back home. Together with a glass of wine and a good book, that are all we need as travelers. 2# Bathroom on the First Floor 一楼二号卫生间设计与卧房风格统一,均是采用浅底黛线勾勒的手法,印象朴素古典,配饰独特,独具匠心。 客厅的细节 Details of Living-room 从客厅的细节可以看出,每一个浮雕和木质线条都体现了欧洲文化的经典。其魅力所在不言而喻,是可意会不可言传。 Every relief and wooden lines reflect the European classic. We can’t describe the amazing elements in any language. 玄关长廊选用的配饰为仿旧处理。浅底、黛桌、配饰明快,古朴中透着现代,既保存了建筑的原貌,又符合现代人的审美。 We effected special process to the corridor at the foyer. Special decorations maintain original appearance of the buildings on the basic of meeting the sense of beauty in modern times.