1) 根据项目实际状况,项目规划用地面积为34800㎡,原有建筑面积约为11983㎡,根据项目控规指标,项目计算容积率面积约为18800㎡。
2) 根据最新规划设计方案,项目将拆除部分建筑,并根据项目实际需要新建部分建筑作为酒店经营配套用房,计划拆除面积约770㎡;计划新建公建面积约7594㎡,地下设备用房面积约为1156㎡,地下车库面积为2864㎡;调整后建筑总面积为22827㎡,计算容积率面积为18807㎡。
It’s a luxurious hotel design following the European classic style. The large numbers of luxurious hotels hidden in special countries with beautiful scenery are fabulous historic treasures that offer you real experience. Through the downtown you will find un-decorated natural gardens, ancient buildings and hotels with quiet, free, harmonious and warm living atmosphere.
Special public zones and romantic bedrooms combine various European interior design styles, sleek、elegant and exquisite European style, as well as heavy, gorgeous luxurious style with modern atmosphere in middle ages. Styles varies from different scales in each bedrooms. We have special facilities for luxury hotels such as mini-bar, dining hall, lobby and balcony, etc. Some rooms lead to arbors covered with wisterias. Gardens and manors with naturalism, fountains and pools bring you the freedom, comfort and romance that you will never experience in five-star hotels. Walking on the boulevard, you will be surrounded by the quiet, elegant and charming atmosphere in this amazing place. Antiques, paintings, original works and china collections as well as well-decorated public zone and private area are a great attraction to the exhausted travelers who are eager to a cup of tea, a glass of wine or sitting in the arbor reading peacefully. In spring, the wind brings bitter smell of lilacs; in summer, we can smell the tuberose around; in autumn, magnolia decorates the old buildings, red maple leaves paint the lawn, the smell of wild grapes will flow into the rooms. This is a lovely hotel for you to experience royalty, comfort, freedom and romance. This is our designing suggestions for the proposal. After the hotel funded, it feels like going through times and back to ages when visiting and living in such kind of luxury hotels, where you can enjoy all the elegance, warm and luxury ever.
9号楼公共客厅 9号楼方案: Plan No.1: 2F 设计风格:朴实、田园、粗犷,欧洲乡村室内设计风格、 Concept: roughness, interior design of German country style. 木制房顶及大梁结构,粗犷却不失品味,铁艺蜡烛吊灯与房间整体风格相得益彰,尽显欧洲朴素生活气息,墙上的家饰饰品点缀出久远的欧洲田园生活 Concept: Wooden roof and ceiling is rough but not lack of taste. The metal candle drop light and the whole room complement well with each other. Decorations on the wall help to enrich people’s European country life. 采用了欧洲生活化的田园风格,墙饰简洁淡雅、为典型欧洲花饰图案,床幔、床饰是远久的欧式田园复古式样,整体风格是欧洲私家家庭化的设计理念,给酒店营造出久远欧洲家的感觉 Concept: We adopt gardening style of European daily life by using simple and elegant wall decorations, old gardening style bed decorations. The whole style is an idea from European families. 无论从墙上的油画到软装配饰符号均采用很久以前欧洲家庭装饰风格,为的就是还原与外观同时代欧洲家的温馨氛围,让行者穿越时空,回到过去的家。 Concept: No matter paintings on the wall or soft decorations, we all adopted European family designing in old times in order to revert the European atmosphere, which make the travelers feel like going back home in the past. 这是一个很具挑战的房间,很考验设计师的智慧,因为它是一个斜坡顶的房间,但是经过巧妙处理却使这个房间更加充满温馨自在生活气息。 It’s a challenge for our designers to design this room, because it’s a room with inclined roof. Yet we managed to make this room more comfortable . 精品酒店其特色就是自由浪漫,品味超凡,为此我们设计了粗犷古朴的欧式田园风格卧室,浪漫的帷幔,用鹿角和皮草而制作的脚灯尽显构思独特有趣,人字形的圆木搭梁,叫人耳目一新,这是一个特别的风格构思。 Concept: The features for the luxurious hotel are free and romantic with special taste. We designed rough European gardening style for this. You can see it from the gorgeous valance, lamps made by deerskin and leather, etc. By the way, the special shape of roof is special. 这是一个充满了浪漫主义色彩的概念设计,别致的欧式砂岩壁炉,斑驳的圆木老旧大梁,铁艺灯烛烛台,所有配饰与装修风格古朴粗犷却又透着典雅的品味,似乎是一个不修边幅的文化大师。 Concept: This is a concept design which is full of romanticism. Everything like unique European fireplace, old wooden roof, rusty mental candlestick are showing the roughness as well as elegance, just like an artist who doesn’t care about his appearance. 概念风格:从概念上加入了一个特别的欧洲墙饰,看去朴实却尽显心思,我们力求通过细节营造简洁而不简单的装饰理念,从视觉上创造唯美,却不会增加造价。 Concept: We try to create concise but not simple decorate ideas by focusing on details, which will add vision beauty. To the contrary, will not add up to the cost. 概念风格:楼梯扶手和门是希望使用现在原有的进行翻新改造,营造历史感,时期和建筑相匹配,古董的感觉增加了酒店的文化和商业价值 根据我们的设计思路,对原有设计指引,我们进行了调整,将一楼的公共部分移置了二楼,考虑到二楼有一个大阳台,采光充足,再加上欧洲田园风格,可将天花剥去,露出人字形三角木梁结构。这样就产生了,将阁楼暴露,来增加建筑挑高的效果,毋庸置疑,宽敞的挑高,使大厅显得舒畅挺拔,同时又融进欧式乡村的设计概念。从配饰上,配以别致的家私,布艺,软装配饰烛台,吊灯,使整体风格眼前一亮。 Plan No.2 According to our designing idea, we make some changes on the original design and move some parts from the first floor to the second floor. Considering there is a large balcony on the second floor with enough sunshine, we consider to get rid of the ceiling and explore the original shape of roof, in which way we increased the height of the whole building.